ICLS 2012 Collection home page


Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 202
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-07Design-Based Research in Practice: A Technology-Based Classroom Experiment that Explores How Students Use Virtual Manipulatives to Order Groups of FractionsMendiburo, Maria; Biswas, Gautam; Hasselbring, Ted
2012-07Learning by Collaborative Design and EvaluationKennedy-Clark, Shannon; Galstaun, Vilma; Parisio, Martin; Anderson, Kate
2012-07UltraLite Collaboration: A Low-Cost Toolkit to Promote Collaborative Learning in the ClassroomRosenbaum, Claire; Blikstein, Paulo; Schank, Patti; Rafanan, Ken; Roschelle, Jeremy
2012-07Learning to Graph: A Comparison Study of Using Probe or Draw Tools in a Web-Based Learning EnvironmentGerard, Libby; Zertuche, Amber; Linn, Marcia
2012-07Bifocal Biology: Combining Physical and Virtual Labs to Support Inquiry in Biological SystemsFuhrmann, Tamar; Greene, Daniel; Salehi, Shima; Blikstein, Paulo
2012-07An Eye For Detail: Techniques For Using Eye Tracker Data to Explore Learning in Computer-Mediated EnvironmentsWorsley, Marcelo; Blikstein, Paulo
2012-07Finding the Common Thread: Learners' Intuitive Knowledge of General Patterns that Apply Across DomainsSwanson, Hillary
2012-07A Case Study of P2PU: New Models for Open and Peer-Focused LearningResendes, Monica; Haklev, Stian
2012-07Methods of analysis for identifying patterns of problem solving processes in a computersupported collaborative environmentKennedy-Clark, Shannon; Thompson, Kate
2012-07Connecting Visitors to Exhibits through Design: Exploring United States census data with CoCensusRoberts, Jessica; Lyons, Leilah; Radinsky, Joshua; Cafaro, Francesco
2012-07Picture-Based Science Attitudes AssessmentJohnson, Emily; Bolling, Amy; Lindgren, Robb
2012-07Understanding Teachers' Cultural Models about TechnologyCurwood, Jen Scott
2012-07Design-Based Implementation Research of Spreadable Educational Practices within the Participatory Learning and Assessment Network (PLAnet)Itow, Rebecca; Hickey, Daniel
2012-07The Power of Improvement Networks to Transform Educational Inquiry: A Preliminary ExplorationDolle, Jonathan; Wardrip, Peter; Russell, Jennifer; Gomez, Louis; Bryk, Anthony
2012-07Irreducible Complexity: How Do Causal Bayes Nets Theories of Human Causal Inference Inform the Design of a Virtual Ecosystem?Tutwiler, M. Shane; Grotzer, Tina
2012-07The Authority of Ideas: How Students Become Influential in Linguistically Heterogeneous Small Group DiscussionsLanger-Osuna, Jennifer
2012-07From Tacit Knowing to Explicit Explanation: Mining Student Designs for Evidence of Systems ThinkingGresalfi, Melissa; Gordon, Leon; Siyahhan, Sinem
2012-07Weaving Together Parts to Achieve A Whole: Gestural Activity for the Coordination of Information in the Teaching and Learning of ChemistryScopelitis, Stephanie; Stieff, Mike
2012-07Resources for Reasoning: Use of Video and Text in a CSCL EnvironmentHmelo-Silver, Cindy; Maher, Carolyn; Palius, Marjory; Sigley, Robert
2012-07Participatory Learning and Assessment in e-Learning ContextsHickey, Daniel; Strackeljahn, Andrea; Itow, Rebecca
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 202