CSCL 2017 Collection home page


Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 115
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-07Building Arguments Together or Alone? Using Learning Analytics to Study the Collaborative Construction of Argument DiagramsChounta, Irene-Angelica; McLaren, Bruce M.; Harrell, Maralee
2017-07Engaging Everyday Science Knowledge to Help Make Sense of DataKelly, Susan B.; Lawrence, LuEttaMae; Mercier, Emma
2017-07Productive Knowledge Building Discourse Through Student-Generated QuestionsKhanlari, Ahmad; Resendes, Monica; Zhu, Gaoxia; Scardamalia, Marlene
2017-07Symbiotic Learning Partnerships in Youth Action SportsHollett, Ty
2017-07Appropriating a Climate Science Discourse About Uncertainty in Online LessonsWright, Kenneth; Pallant, Amy; Lee, Hee-Sun
2017-07Embracing Learners With Visual Impairments in CSCLSeo, JooYoung; AlQahtani, Mona; Ouyang, Xueying; Borge, Marcela
2017-07Challenges in Implementing Small Group Collaboration in Large Online CoursesErdmann, Julia; Rummel, Nikol; Christmann, Nina; Elson, Malte; Hecking, Tobias; Herrmann, Thomas; Hoppe, H. Ulrich; Krämer, Nicole C.; Kyewski, Elias; Wichmann, Astrid
2017-07Examining Positive and Negative Interdependence in an Elementary School CSCL SettingHartmann, Christian; Olsen, Jennifer K.; Brand, Charleen; Aleven, Vincent; Rummel, Nikol
2017-07Collaborative Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Comparing Learner Outcomes Across Varying Collaboration Feedback StrategiesHarsley, Rachel; Di Eugenio, Barbara; Green, Nick; Fossati, Davide
2017-07Instant Sharing Makes Task More Engaging In Computer Aided ClassroomShaikh, Rafikh; Agrawal, Harshit; G, Nagarjuna; Nachankar, Mrunal
2017-07Showing and Telling: Response Dynamics in an Online Community of MakersAlmatrafi, Omaima; Johri, Aditya
2017-07Collaborating With Stakeholders in STEM StudiosThompson, Kate; Dawes, Les; Doyle, Tanya; Kanasa, Harry; Nickels, Katherine; Nutchey, David
2017-07Preparing Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers to Teach Mathematics With RobotsKim, ChanMin; Yuan, Jiangmei; Gleasman, Cory; Shin, Minyoung; Hill, Roger B.
2017-07The Digital Use Divide and Knowledge BuildingLaferrière, Thérèse; Breuleux, Alain
2017-07A Preliminary Study of University Students’ Collaborative Learning Behavior Patterns in the Context of Online Argumentation Learning Activities: The Role of Idea-Centered Collaborative Argumentation InstructionWu, Ying-Tien; Wang, Li-Jen; Cheng, Teng-Yao
2017-07Integrating Eye-Tracking Activities Into a Learning Environment to Promote Collaborative Meta-Semiotic Reflection and DiscourseSommer, Stephen; Hinojosa, Leighanna; Traut, Hilary; Polman, Joseph; Weidler-Lewis, Joanna
2017-07Anchor Code: Modularity as Evidence for Conceptual Learning and Computational Practices of Students Using a Code-First EnvironmentWagh, Aditi; Levy, Sharona; Horn, Michael; Guo, Yu; Brady, Corey; Wilensky, Uri
2017-07Reflective Structuration of Knowledge Building Practices in Grade 5 Science: A Two-Year Design-Based ResearchTao, Dan; Zhang, Jianwei; Gao, Dandan
2017-07Children’s Participation in Rulemaking to Mitigate Process Problems in CSCLJung, Yong Ju; Toprani, Dhvani; Yan, Shulong; Borge, Marcela
2017-07How Did a Grade 5 Science Community Co-Construct Collective Structures of Inquiry?Tao, Dan; Zhang, Jianwei
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 115