Browsing by Author Zimmerman, Heather Toomey

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06Assessment of Creativity During Family Engineering Workshops in Informal Learning EnvironmentsKim, Soo Hyeon; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2004-06A Case Study of a Family’s Digital Technology UseZimmerman, Heather Toomey
2017-07Collaborative Argumentation During a Making and Tinkering Afterschool Program With Squishy CircuitsKim, Soo Hyeon; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2014-06Collective Engagement in a Technologically Mediated Science Learning Experience: A Case study in a botanical gardenSalman, Fariha H.; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.
2020-06Design Conjectures for Place-Based Science Learning about Water: Implementing Mobile Augmented Reality with FamiliesZimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.; Grills, Katharine; Chiu, Yu-Chen; Jung, Yong Ju; Williams, Jeffrey
2016-07Designing Outdoor Learning Spaces With iBeacons: Combining Place-Based Learning With the Internet of Learning ThingsZimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.; Maggiore, Chrystal; Ashley, Robert W.; Millet, Chris
2016-07Educational Affordances of Tablet-Mediated Collaboration to Support Distributed Leadership in Small Group Outdoor ActivitiesChoi, Gi Woong; Land, Susan M.; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2020-06Epistemic Agency Shifts between Children and Parents during Inventing with Robotics at Museum-based MakerspaceJung, Yong Ju; Whalen, Devon Purington; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2013-06Examining High School Students' Learning from Collaborative Projects Related to Alternative EnergyWeible, Jennifer L.; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2024Exploring Families’ Science Talk Using a Mobile Augmented Reality App: An Epistemic Network Analysis MethodLi, Leqi; Land, Susan M.; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; Xu, Yanping
2023Exploring Family Engagement with Photo-Taking to Support Observation During an Outdoor MAR Experience about PollinatorsFaimon, Lillyanna; Keith, Charles; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan; McClain, Lucy
2020-06Families’ Imaginations in a Meteorology Workshop: Imagining Weather Through Prototyping a Weather StationChiu, Yu-Chen; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2020-06Family Learning and Sense-Making in Astronomy: Talk During Galaxies Workshops Held in Four Rural LibrariesScudder, Jennifer; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; Crowl, Michele
2022Mobile Augmented Reality Supporting Community-Based Learning: Families’ Exploration of Land-Water InteractionsZimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.; Faimon, Lillyanna; Chiu, Yu-Chen
2014-06Research and Design of Learning Experiences for FamiliesCallanan, Maureen; Eberbach, Catherine; Goldman, Shelley; Jipson, Jennifer; Levinson, Amber; Litvack, Elyse; Luce, Megan; McClain, Lucy Richardson; Siyahhan, Sinem; Tzou, Carrie; Umphress, Jessica; Vea, Tanner; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; Bell, Philip
2021-06The Role of Parents in the Development of Youths’ Interest in an Engineering WorkshopFaimon, Lillyanna; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey
2024Seeing Pollinators and Flowers: An Exploration of Families’ Experiences Learning about Pollinators at and Outside of the HomeFaimon, Lillyanna; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.
2014-06Supporting Conceptual Understandings Outdoors: Findings from the Tree Investigators Mobile ProjectZimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.; Seely, Brian J.; Mohney, Michael R.; Choi, Gi Woong; McClain, Lucy Richardson
2013-06Supporting Science Practices Outdoors with Mobile Devices: Findings from the Tree Investigators Augmented Reality ProjectZimmerman, Heather Toomey; Land, Susan M.; McClain, Lucy R.; Mohney, Michael R.; Choi, Gi Woong; Salman, Fariha H.
2010-06Technologies and Tools to Support Informal Science LearningZimmerman, Heather Toomey; Kanter, David E.; Ellenbogen, Kirsten; Lyons, Leilah; Zuiker, Steven J.; Satwicz, Tom; Martell, Sandra Toro; Hsi, Sherry; Smith, Brian K.; Brown, Matthew