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Title: Developing a Geography Game for Singapore Classrooms
Authors: Gaydos, Matthew
Issue Date: Jul-2016
Publisher: Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Citation: Gaydos, M. (2016). Developing a Geography Game for Singapore Classrooms In Looi, C. K., Polman, J. L., Cress, U., and Reimann, P. (Eds.). Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016, Volume 2. Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: This case study presents the design and use of a non-digital geography educational game. The game was co-developed by a researcher and teachers for use in a Singapore public secondary school. Through the game’s use, issues of local classroom culture and design arise, including teachers’ tendency to define learning in terms of content-based, and the challenges to developing a play-based curriculum. Nevertheless, non-digital educational games provide an old means that may be useful for testing new theories.
Appears in Collections:ICLS 2016

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