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Title: Introducing a New Approach for Investigating Learning Behavior
Authors: Niederhauser, Mario
Ruf, Alessia
Jäger, Joscha
Zahn, Carmen
Opwis, Klaus
Keywords: CSCL
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Citation: Niederhauser, M., Ruf, A., Jäger, J., Zahn, C., & Opwis, K. (2021). Introducing a New Approach for Investigating Learning Behavior. In Hmelo-Silver, C. E., De Wever, B., & Oshima, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2021 (pp. 251-252). Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: The potential of learners’ video interactions to understand learning behavior has been recognized in previous research. However, little research has yet been conducted on enhanced video-based environments using behavior sequence analyses. Hence, we developed Logible, a sensitive, web-based tool to detect and analyze meaningful behavior sequences of learners interacting with such environments. The tool is based on an iterative method. With Logible we were able to visualize learning behavior and emphasize differences in experimental conditions.
Appears in Collections:ISLS Annual Meeting 2021

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