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Title: Using an Online Community of Practice to Foster Inquiry as Pedagogy amongst Student Teachers
Authors: Dreon, Oliver
McDonald, Scott
Issue Date: Jun-2006
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Citation: Dreon, O. & McDonald, S. (2006). Using an Online Community of Practice to Foster Inquiry as Pedagogy amongst Student Teachers. In Barab, S. A., Hay, K. E., & Hickey, D. T. (Eds.), The International Conference of the Learning Sciences: Indiana University 2006. Proceedings of ICLS 2006, Volume 1 (pp. 140-146). Bloomington, Indiana, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: Research has shown how individual components of an online environment such as blogging or discussion boards can be effective tools with learners and preservice teachers. This study examines how an integrated, comprehensive online environment can be used as a component of a community of practice to develop student teachers' conceptions of inquiry as science pedagogy. The community of practice studied was unique being comprised of highly-experienced teachers that are all engaged in doctoral level science education research. The online environment was used by entire community to reflect and communicate about the theory and practice of inquiry science pedagogy. Student teachers' conceptions of inquiry science pedagogy were studied via data collected through the online environment (student teachers' online journals, posts to threaded discussions, and usage patterns).
Appears in Collections:ICLS 2006

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