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Title: Youth Perspectives on the Roles and Risks of AI in Their Classrooms
Authors: Humburg, Megan
Dragnić-Cindrić, Dalila
Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.
Glazewski, Krista
Lester, James
Keywords: CSCL
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Citation: Humburg, M., Dragnić-Cindrić, D., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Glazewski, K., & Lester, J. (2024). Youth Perspectives on the Roles and Risks of AI in Their Classrooms. In Clarke-Midura, J., Kollar, I., Gu, X., & D'Angelo, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2024 (pp. 409-410). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: This study uses thematic analysis of focus groups to highlight how middle schoolers discuss the benefits and drawbacks of educational AI. Students reflected on AI’s benefits for learning, while also addressing the unsettling risks of being surveilled. Students also noted how AI falls short compared to human counterparts. Overall, we argue that middle schoolers can articulate complex understandings of AI, and their voices should be central in AIED design.
Description: Poster
Appears in Collections:ISLS Annual Meeting 2024

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