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Title: How Aligned Curriculum Design of Thinking Moves and Thinking Routines Influences Students’ Movie Analysis and Perception of Learning
Authors: Chen, Jou-Yin
Jan, Mingfong
Keywords: Learning Sciences
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Citation: Chen, J. & Jan, M. (2023). How aligned curriculum design of thinking moves and thinking routines influences students’ movie analysis and perception of learning. In Blikstein, P., Van Aalst, J., Kizito, R., & Brennan, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 (pp. 842-845). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: The Visible Thinking approach (VT) is designed to develop thinking skills. However, the effective implementation of VT in teaching can be hindered by misalignments in coordinating course objectives, thinking routines (TRs), and thinking moves (TMs), leading to a lack of attention to students' thinking performance. To address this issue, this study developed a college-level EFL Movie English course that incorporated four selected TMs, course-specific goals, and matching TRs, along with a designed TMs assessment rubric. We examined the impact of this curriculum on students' movie analysis performance and their perception of thinking and learning, using self-evaluation, analysis writing, and self-reflection from participants. The results indicated improvements in four TMs, with considering different viewpoints and perspectives showing the greatest improvement. Furthermore, students' reflections demonstrated a positive influence on their thinking and learning. The study highlights the importance of course alignments for a VT approach to effectively function as a thinking curriculum.
Description: Short Paper
Appears in Collections:ISLS Annual Meeting 2023

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