Browsing by Author Guzdial, Mark

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999-12Anchoring Discussions in Lecture: An Approach to Collaboratively Extending Classroom Digital MediaAbowd, Gregory D.; da Graca Pimentel, Maria; Kerimbaev, Bolot; Ishiguro, Yoshihide; Guzdial, Mark
2002-01Collaborative Learning at Low Cost: CoWeb Use in English CompositionRick, Jochen; Guzdial, Mark; Carroll, Karen; Holloway-Attaway, Lissa; Walker, Brandy
1995-10Collaborative Support for Learning in Complex DomainsGuzdial, Mark; Turns, Jennifer; Rappin, Noel; Carlson, David
1995-10Computational Support for Collaborative Learning through Generative Problem SolvingMarayanan, En. Hari; Hmelo, Cindy E.; Petrushin, Valery; Newsletter, Wendy C.; Guzdial, Mark; Kolodner, Janet L.
1996-07Computer Science Apprenticeship: Creating Support for Intermediate Computer Science StudentsShabo, Amnon; Guzdial, Mark; Stasko, John
2020-06Embodied Representations in Computing Education: How Gesture, Embodied Language, and Tool Use Support Teaching RecursionSolomon, Amber; Bae, Miyeon; DiSalvo, Betsy; Guzdial, Mark
1996-07Exploring Interface Options in Multimedia Educational EnvironmentsShippey, Gordon; Guzdial, Mark; Ram, Ashwin; Catrambone, Richard; Albrecht, Fiorian; Burne, Mike; Roberts, Janis; Stasko, John
2002-01Exploring the Lack of Dialogue in Computer-Supported Collaborative LearningGuzdial, Mark; Carroll, Karen
2004-06Improving Personal Home Pages to Support Learning as Becoming and BelongingRick, Jochen; Guzdial, Mark
1997-12Information Ecology of Collaborations in Educational Settings: Influence of ToolGuzdial, Mark
1997-12Integrating and Guiding Collaboration: Lessons Learned in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Research at Georgia TechGuzdial, Mark; Hmelo, Cindy; HÄuuml;bscher, Roland; Nagel, Kris; Newstetter, Wendy; Puntambekar, Sadhana; Shabo, Amnon; Turns, Jennifer; Kolodner, Janet L.
1997-12Intra-group and Inter-group: An Exploration of Learning with Complementary Collaboration ToolsPuntambekar, Sadhana; Nagel, Kris; HÄuuml;bscher, Roland; Guzdial, Mark; Kolodner, Janet L.
2020-06“I’m Not a Computer”: How Identity Informs Value and Expectancy During a Programming ActivityCunningham, Kathryn; Bejarano, Rahul Agrawal; Guzdial, Mark; Ericson, Barbara
1997-12JavaCAP: A Collaborative Case Authoring Program on the WWWShabo, Amnon; Nagel, Kris; Guzdial, Mark; Kolodner, Janet
1999-12MuSwikis: A Graphical Collaboration SystemSpoon, Lex; Guzdial, Mark
1996-07Of Black and Glass Boxes: Scaffolding for Doing and LearningHmelo, Cindy E.; Guzdial, Mark
1996-07The Role of Student Tasks in Accessing Cognitive Media TypesByrne, Michael; Guzdial, Mark; Ram, Preeth; Catrambone, Richard; Ram, Ashwin; Stasko, John; Shippey, Gordon; Albrech, Florian
1996-07Simulated Environments for Learning Real World Contexts in Chemical EngineeringGuzdial, Mark; Rappin, Noel
1995-10Technology Support for Collaborative Learning in a Problem-Based Curriculum for Sustainable TechnologyHmelo, Cindy E.; Vanegas, Jorge A.; Realff, Matthew; Bras, Bert; Mulholland, Jim; Shikano, Terry; Guzdial, Mark
2016-07Training Learners to Self-Explain: Designing Instructions and Examples to Improve Problem SolvingMargulieux, Lauren E.; Morrison, Briana B.; Guzdial, Mark; Catrambone, Richard