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Title: Families and Media Multi-tasking: Reorganizing Collaborative Learning at Home
Authors: Silvis, Deborah
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Citation: Silvis, D. (2019). Families and Media Multi-tasking: Reorganizing Collaborative Learning at Home. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoué, E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gweon, G., & Baker, M. (Eds.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Volume 1 (pp. 65-72). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: As the number of tools available for learning within computer-based tasks proliferates, so too do the tasks. This paper describes how families use technology and new media for multi-tasking in order to collaboratively accomplish many routine tasks around their homes. Families employ a number of approaches to media multi-tasking, and their sociotechnical practices reflect how children learn to multi-task, learn through multi-tasking, and learn despite multi-tasking. I draw on these practices to explain how families manage shared- and divergent -objects of activity at home, and how technology is implicated in this maintenance work. I offer a multi-dimensional framework for multi-tasking that suggests how determining what is consequential for learning with technology is often contingent on a number of tools, tasks, purposes, and people.
Appears in Collections:CSCL 2019

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