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Title: Promoting and Tracing High School Students’ Identity Change in an Augmented Virtual Learning Environment
Authors: Talafian, Hamideh
Shah, Mamta
Barany, Amanda
Foster, Aroutis
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Citation: Talafian, H., Shah, M., Barany, A., & Foster, A. (2019). Promoting and Tracing High School Students’ Identity Change in an Augmented Virtual Learning Environment. In Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoué, E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gweon, G., & Baker, M. (Eds.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Volume 1 (pp. 216-223). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: This paper illustrates the application of Projective Reflection (PR) as a theoretical framework in an ongoing NSF-CAREER study to trace learning as identity change among 20 high school students. A 9-week augmented virtual learning environment (AVLE) course, Virtual City Planning, was created and implemented in a science museum classroom. In-game and in-class student data and mentor observations were collected and analyzed using Quantitative Ethnography (QE) techniques to identify patterns of identity exploration enacted over time. This paper offers group findings to illustrate general trends of identity exploration during the AVLE, and one illustrative case study to provide an in-depth look at an integrated identity exploration trajectory. This work concludes with a discussion of the need for promoting identity exploration as an educational goal, and a means to support learners to adapt to the changing workforce of tomorrow. The affordances of AVLEs are discussed to advance research in this nascent area.
Appears in Collections:CSCL 2019

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