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Title: Understanding Professional Vision in Inquiry Science Teaching
Authors: McDonald, Scott
Issue Date: Jun-2008
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.
Citation: McDonald, S. (2008). Understanding Professional Vision in Inquiry Science Teaching. In Kanselaar, G., Jonker, V., Kirschner, P. A., & Prins, F. J. (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2008, Volumes 3 (pp. 98-99). Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: To understand inquiry science teaching, we must understand how practicing and prospective teachers see the activity of teaching. This study examines how practicing and prospective teachers highlight and code classroom activity in an effort to understand the nature of professional pedagogical vision (Goodwin, 1994). Results indicate that differences exist in terms of: actor focus, questions, grain-size and enactment.
Appears in Collections:ICLS 2008

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