Browsing by Author Berland, Leema

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010-06Anomalous Graph Data and Claim Revision During ArgumentationBerland, Leema; Lee, Victor
2022Frameworks and Methodologies for Epistemic Growth in K-12 Science Classrooms to Address Post-Truth DiscourseYoon, Susan A.; Chinn, Clark A.; Noushad, Noora F.; Mochizuki, Toshio; Barzilai, Sarit; Mor-Hagani, Shiri; Abed, Fayez; Tal-Savir, Danna; Adah, Emily; Berland, Leema; Manz, Eve; Georgen, Christopher; Britt, M. Anne; McGee, Steven; McGee-Tekula, Randi; Rupp, Kathryn; Higgs, Karyn; Easley, Kathleen; Durik, Amanda M.; Leung, Jessica Shuk Ching; Av-Shalom, Na'ama Y.; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Danish, Joshua; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Murphy, Danielle; Stiso, Christina; Ryan, Zachary; Zhou, Jinzhi; Cottone, Amanda M.; Hussain-Abidi, Huma
2020-06In What Contexts Do Teachers Experience Changing Their Science Teaching as Satisfying?Miller, Emily; Berland, Leema
2022Managing Deference, Leadership, Vision, and Voice: Dilemmas From Antiracist School-University PartnershipsLouie, Nicole L.; Berland, Leema
2023Navigating Emergent Divisions in a Coalition for an Antiracist SchoolLouie, Nicole; Berland, Leema; Coviello, Amanda; Pacheco, Mariana
2022Racism With Antiracists: Examining Sensemaking in a School-University Partnership for AntiracismBerland, Leema; Louie, Nicole L.; Pacheco, Mariana; Roeker, Laura
2010-06When Students Speak, Who Listens? Constructing Audience in Classroom ArgumentationBerland, Leema; Forte, Andrea