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Title: From Socially-mediated to Technology-mediated Coordination: A Study of Design Tensions Using Group Scribbles
Authors: Dimitriadis, Yannis
Asensio-Pérez, Juan Ignacio
Hernandez-Leo, Davinia
Roschelle, Jeremy
Brecha, John
Tatar, Deborah
Chaudhury, Raj
DiGiano, Chris
Patton, and Charles
Issue Date: Jul-2007
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.
Citation: Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio-Pérez, J. I., Hernandez-Leo, D., Roschelle, J., Brecha, J., Tatar, D., Chaudhury, R., DiGiano, C., & Patton, a. (2007). From Socially-mediated to Technology-mediated Coordination: A Study of Design Tensions Using Group Scribbles. In Chinn, C. A., Erkens, G., & Puntambekar, S. (Eds.), The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2007, Volume 8, Part 1 (pp. 181-183). New Brunswick, NJ, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: It is well known that scripts based on good practices can enhance the collaboration ef- fectiveness and efficiency in CSCL environments. Yet, to achieve rich, interactive, and creative collaborative learning settings CSCL tools need new flexible, dynamic and lightweight metaphors. This design tension between social and technology-mediated coordination is difficult to resolve and worthy of close analysis. In this paper, we study such a tension through the use of the Group Scribbles (GS) CSCL tool, developed at SRI International, a GUI-based approach that enables the creation and enactment of lightweight CSCL scenarios. The potential of GS, as well as its limita- tions and possible extensions are studied in relation to design scripts based on Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns. Preliminary experiences in an authentic environment illustrate several facets of the design tension, such as the participants' workload and awareness, or the adaptation to emergent situations. On the other hand, this study points out the need for a new flexible architec- ture that complements Group Scribbles.
Appears in Collections:CSCL 2007

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