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Title: Matching Model Representation to Task Demands
Authors: Slof, Bert
Erkens, Gijsbert
Kirschner, Paul
Issue Date: Jun-2008
Publisher: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.
Citation: Slof, B., Erkens, G., & Kirschner, P. (2008). Matching Model Representation to Task Demands. In Kanselaar, G., Jonker, V., Kirschner, P. A., & Prins, F. J. (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2008, Volumes 3 (pp. 132-133). Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Abstract: In CSCL environments model representations can stimulate learners to explicate their reasoning and elicit and support knowledge construction. But literature on their effectiveness is not clear with data indicating that representations not adapted to task demands have counterproductive effects. By matching the representational guidance of a model representation to the demands of the task, learners can be supported during their collaborative inquiry process because they receive the information they need when they need it.
Appears in Collections:ICLS 2008

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