CSCL 2009 Collection home page


Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 155
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-06Design and enactment of Collaboration Scripts – an integrative approach with graphical notations and learning platformsHarrer, Andreas; Kohen-Vacs, Dan; Roth, Benedikt; Malzahn, Nils; Hoppe, Ulrich; Ronen, Miky
2009-06A design rational of an editor for pedagogical proceduresMartel, Christian; Vignollet, Laurence; Ferraris, Christine; Villiot-Leclercq, Emmanuelle
2009-06VMT-Basilika: An environment for rapid prototyping of collaborative learning environments with dynamic supportKumar, Rohit; Chaudhuri, Sourish; Howley, Iris; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein
2009-06eXtremely Simple Scripting (XSS): A Framework to speed up the development of computer-supported collaboration scriptsStegmann, Karsten; Streng, Sara; Halbinger, Max; Koch, Jonas; Fischer, Frank; Hußmann, Heinrich
2009-06An architecture for intelligent CSCL argumentation systemsLoll, Frank; Pinkwart, Niels; Scheuer, Oliver; McLaren, Bruce M.
2009-06Computer-assisted evaluation of CSCL chat conversationsRebedea, Traian; Trausan-Matu, Stefan
2009-06Alternative ways of monitoring collaborationVoyiatzaki, Eleni; Avouris, Nikolaos
2009-06GRASP: The group learning assessment platformGweon, Gahgene; Kumar, Rohit; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein
2009-06Share and explore discussion forum objects on the Calico websiteGiguet, Emmanuel; Lucas, Nadine; Blondel, Francois-Marie; Bruillard, Eric
2009-06Improving CSCL indicators by sharing multimodal teaching and learning CorporaReffay, Christophe; Betbeder, Marie-Laure
2009-06Context-aware activity notification system: supporting CSCLLaffey, James; Hong, Ran-Young; Galyen, Krista; Goggins, Sean; Amelung, Chris
2009-06Proposing “collaborative filtering” to foster collaboration in ScratchR communityFessakis, Georgios; Dimitracopoulou, Angelique
2009-06Automating the analysis of collaborative discourse: Identifying idea clustersFujita, Nobuko; Teplovs, Christopher
2009-06Determining curricular coverage of student contributions to an online discourse environment through the use of Latent Semantic analysis and term cloudsTeplovs, Christopher; Fujita, Nobuko
2009-06Scaffolding teacher adaptation by making design intent explicitLin, Hsien-Ta; Fishman, Barry
2009-06Scaffolding for computer supported writing to learn activities in vocational trainingGavota, Monica; Bétrancourt, Mireille; Schneider, Daniel; Richle, Urs
2009-06Fostering collaborators' ability to draw inferences from distributed information: a training experimentMeier, Anne; Spada, Hans
2009-06Design distributed scaffolding for modeling a complex systemHsu, Ying-Shao; Wu, Hsin-Kai; Hwang, Fu-Kwun; Lin, Li-Fen
2009-06Supporting collaborative learning across social media applicationsPosea, Vlad; Trăusan-Matu, Stefan; Mossel, Eelco; Monachesi, Paola
2009-06Context and scripts: Supporting interactive work-integrated learningAehnelt, Mario; Hambach, Sybille; Müsebeck, Petra; Musielak, Marleen; de Hoog, Robert; Kooken, Jose; Lindstaedt, Stefanie
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 155