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Showing results 5672 to 5691 of 6707 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-06Tabletop Teaching Simulation: Collaborative Multivoiced Simulation for Improving Lesson Plans in Pre-service TrainingMochizuki, Toshio; Sasaki, Hiroshi; Kubota, Yoshihiko; Suzuki, Hideyuki
2011-06Tabletops for Collaborative Learning: A Case Study on Geometry Learning at the Primary SchoolSalvador-Herranz, Gustavo; Perez-Lopez, David; Ortega, Mario; Alcaniz, Mariano; Contero, Manuel
2014-06Taking a New Perspective on Spatial Representations in STEMDeSutter, Dane; Stieff, Mike
2023Taking and Getting Perspectives on Controversial Topics: How Does It Change Attitudes and Affect Learning?Santos, Paulo J. M.; Weinberger, Armin
2014-06Taking DALITE to the Next Level: What Have We Learned from a Web-Based Peer Instruction Application?Charles, Elizabeth S.; Whittaker, Chris; Lasry, Nathaniel; Dugdale, Michael; Lenton, Kevin; Bhatnagar, Sameer; Guillemette, Jonathan
2011-06Taking Educational Games to the Afterschool: Teens and Researchers on a Quest in Collaborative Design-Based ResearchDayan, Jacob; Kali, Yael
2018-07Taking on the Challenges of Learning in the Digital Age: Grade 5 Students’ Mindsets and Strategies in Knowledge Building CommunitiesHod, Yotam; Zhang, Jianwei; Yuan, Guangji; Zhou, He
2020-06Taking on the Task of Reimagining Teacher Education: Positioning Teachers as Emergent Learning Scientists within Complex Political and Ethical EcologiesDavis, Natalie; Hooper, Paula; Echevarria, Ruben; Munoz, Arturo; Vossoughi, Shirin; Cortez, Arturo; *, Meixi; Pham, Josephine H.; Scott, Mallika; Sengupta-Irving, Tesha; Tunney, Jessica; Macias, Meghan
2024Taking Stock of the Scientific Literature on Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in the Humanities, Arts, and Social SciencesCohen, Etan; Novis-Deutsch, Nurit; Kashi, Shiri
2019-06Taking the Patch Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of a Patch Based Participatory SimulationVogelstein, Lauren; Brady, Corey
2002-01Taking The ‘No’ Out of Lotus Notes: Activity Theory, Groupware, and Student GroupworkHalloran, John; Rogers, Yvonne; Scaife, Mike
2021-06Taking Transactivity Detection to a New LevelFiacco, James; Haan, Ki-Won; Woolley, Anita Williams; Rosé, Carolyn
2022Taking Up Opportunities to Practice in a Social Studies-Themed Digital Simulation Game: A Quantitative EthnographyKessner, Taylor
2020-06Taking Up the Mantle of Knowing: Supporting Student Engagement in Progressive Scientific Discourse in GeoscienceMcDonald, Scott; Wray, Kraig; McCausland, Jonathan; Bateman, Kathryn; Pallant, Amy; Lee, Hee-Sun
1999-12Taking without consent: Stolen knowledge and the place of abstractions and assessment in situated learningJones, Christopher R
2007-07A Tale of Two FormatsO'Donnell, Angela; DiDonato, and Nicole
2023A Tale of Two Nurses: Studying Groupwork in Nurse Training by Analyzing Taskwork Roles, Social Interactions, and Self-EfficacyVatral, Caleb; Cohn, Clayton; Davalos, Eduardo; Biswas, Gautam; Lee, Madison; Levin, Daniel; Hall, Eric; Holt, Jo Ellen
2021-06A Tale of Two PDs: Exploring Teachers' Experiences in Co-designing Computational ActivitiesWu, Sally P.W.; Jones, Bonni; Swanson, Hillary; Horn, Michael S.; Wilensky, Uri
2022A Tale of Two Teacher Trajectories: Analysing Change in Teachers’ Beliefs on Technology Integration During the COVID-19 PandemicNandan, P. A.; Sahana, Murthy
2014-06A Tale of Two Worlds: Using Bifocal Modeling to Find and Resolve “Discrepant Events” Between Physical Experiments and Virtual Models in BiologyFuhrmann, Tamar; Salehi, Shima; Blikstein, Paulo