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Showing results 4301 to 4320 of 6707 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-06OASIS: An Online Professional Learning Community for Inquiry-based TeachingChapman, Robbin; Daily, Shaundra
2011-06OASIS: Designing CSCL to support argumentationLu, Jingyan; Law, Nancy; Deng, Liping; Lee, Yeung
2021-06Objects to Debug with: How Young Children Resolve Errors with Tangible Coding ToysSilvis, Deborah; Clarke-Midura, Jody; Shumway, Jessica; Lee, Victor R.
2016-07The Obj–Subj Dialectic and the Co-Construction of Hierarchical Positional Identities During a Collaborative Generalization TaskGutiérrez, José Francisco
2021-06Observing or Generating Solution Attempts in Problem Solving Prior to Instruction: Are the Preparatory Processes Comparable?Brand, Charleen; Hartmann, Christian; Loibl, Katharina; Rummel, Nikol
2002-01OCAF: An Object-oriented Model of Analysis of Collaborative Problem SolvingAvouris, N.M.; Dimitracopoulou, A.; Komis, V.; Fidas, C.
2024Of Barrios and Favelas: Blending Criticality and Imagination Through Freire-Inspired Utopian WorkshopsCampos, Fabio C.
1996-07Of Black and Glass Boxes: Scaffolding for Doing and LearningHmelo, Cindy E.; Guzdial, Mark
2004-06Of Grids and Jars: A Comparative Analysis of Representational Infrastructure and Learning Opportunities in Middle School and Professional ScienceHall, Rogers; Lehrer, Rich; Lucas, Deb; Schauble, Leona
2020-06Off-Task Interaction as a Mechanism to Support On-Task ParticipationBartell, Robin; Hutchison, Paul
2010-06Oh god, please don't let me hurt them!: Assessing Self-Regulated Learning in Medical School EducationHanss, Ted; Teasley, Stephanie D.
2024Oh, I Know What to Build: Design Framing in Conversation with MaterialsWilson-Fetrow, Madalyn; Svihla, Vanessa; Hsi, Sherry
2018-07“Ohhh, Now I Can Do It!”: School-age Children’s Spontaneous Mathematical Sensemaking in Construction PlayJasien, Lara; Horn, Ilana Seidel
2019-06On a Making-&-Tinkering Approach to Learning Mathematics in Formal Education: Knowledge Gains, Attitudes, and 21st-Century SkillsTimotheou, Stella; Ioannou, Andri
2008-06On Learning Electricity With Multi-Agent Based Computational Models (NIELS)Sengupta, Pratim; Wilensky, Uri
2020-06On Planning the Canoeing of Rapids and Its Reasoning ProcessesNguyen, Kevin; Azevedo, Flavio; Papendieck, Adam
2008-06On socio-cognitive processes that promote learning from peer collaboration and why immediate transfer tests cannot always detect their effectsAsterhan, Christa; Schwarz, Baruch; Howe, Christine; Schwartz, Daniel; Martin, Taylor
2024On STEM Teachers’ SurpriseAzevedo, Flávio S.; Sherard, Max; Novelli, Molly; Freed, Natalie
2017-07On the Adoption of Social Network Analysis Methods in CSCL Research – A Network AnalysisDado, Marielle; Hecking, Tobias; Bodemer, Daniel; Hoppe, H. Ulrich
2021-06On the Impact of Differing Content Progressions in Genetics on Modeling PracticesCavera, Veronica L.; Duncan, Ravit Golan