Browsing by Author Xia, Fangli

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-07Developing Historical Thinking in PBL Class Supported with Synergistic ScaffoldingBae, Haesol; Xia, Fangli; Chen, Yuxin; Craig, Kalani; Silver, Cindy Hmelo
2022Directed Actions Scaffold Gestural Insights in Geometric ReasoningXia, Fangli; Schenck, Kelsey E.; Swart, Michael I.; Nathan, Mitchell J.
2021-06Embodied Transmission of Ideas: Collaborative Construction of Geometry Content and Mathematical ThinkingKirankumar, Veena; Sung, Hanall; Swart, Michael; Kim, Doy; Xia, Fangli; Kwon, Oh Hoon; Nathan, Mitchell; Walkington, Candace
2024Exploring an Interactive Technology for Supporting Embodied Geometric ReasoningSchenck, Kelsey E.; Kim, Doy; Xia, Fangli; Swart, Michael I.; Walkington, Candace; Nathan, Mitchell J.
2023Gestural Replays Support Mathematical Reasoning by Simulating Geometric TransformationsXia, Fangli; Swart, Michael I.; Schenck, Kelsey E.; Nathan, Mitchell J.
2020-06Grounded and Embodied Mathematical Cognition for Intuition and Proof Playing a Motion-Capture Video GameSwart, Michael; Schenck, Kelsey; Xia, Fangli; Kwon, Oh Hoon; Nathan, Mitchell; Vinsonhaler, Rebecca; Walkington, Candace
2024How Pedagogical Hints Impact Embodied Geometric ReasoningXia, Fangli; Schenck, Kelsey E.; Swart, Michael I.; Grondin, Matthew; Kim, Doy; Kwon, Oh Hoon; Walkington, Candace; Nathan, Mitchell J.
2022The Role of Action-Prediction in Mathematical ReasoningXia, Fangli; Schenck, Kelsey E.; Swart, Michael I.; Nathan, Mitchell J.
2023Scaffolding the Conceptual Salience of Directed ActionsFogel, Ariel; Swart, Michael; Grondin, Matthew; Xia, Fangli; Schenck, Kelsey E.; Nathan, Mitchell J.