Browsing by Author Wendell, Kristen

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06Integrating STEM and Computing in PK-12: Operationalizing Computational Thinking for STEM Learning and AssessmentGrover, Shuchi; Biswas, Gautam; Dickes, Amanda; Farris, Amy; Sengupta, Pratim; Covitt, Beth; Gunckel, Kristin; Berkowitz, Alan; Moore, John; Irgens, Golnaz Arastoopour; Horn, Michael; Wilensky, Uri; Metcalf, Shari; Jeon, Soobin; Dede, Chris; Puttick, Gillian; Bernstein, Debra; Wendell, Kristen; Danahy, Ethan; Cassidy, Michael; Shaw, Fay; Damelin, Daniel; Roderick, Steve; Stephens, A. Lynn; Shin, Namsoo; Lee, Irene; Anderson, Emma; Dominguez, Ximena; Vahey, Philip; Yadav, Aman; Rich, Kathryn; Schwarz, Christina; Larimore, Rachel; Blikstein, Paulo
2024Making Space for Expansive Thinking in Socio-Technical Small-Group Undergraduate DiscussionsRahman, Fatima; Wendell, Kristen; Andrews, Chelsea
2018-07Multimodal Engineering Design Notebooks and Meta-Representational CompetenceWendell, Kristen; Andrews, Chelsea J; Paugh, Patricia
2020-06Navigating Dual Goals of Team Collaboration and Design Concept Development in a Middle School Bio-Inspired Robotics UnitWendell, Kristen; Shaw, Fay; Kshirsagar, Khushbu; Danahy, Ethan; Bernstein, Debra; Puttick, Gillian; Cassidy, Michael
2020-06Patterns of Mechanistic Reasoning in an Integrated Earth Science and Geotechnical Engineering UnitAndrews, Chelsea; Wendell, Kristen; Batrouny, Nicole; Dalvi, Tejaswini
2018-07Problem Scoping in Designing Biomimetic RobotsShaw, Fayette; Wendell, Kristen; Puttick, Gillian; Bernstein, Debra; Danahy, Ethan
2023The Role of Whole-Class Conversations in Supporting Early Elementary Students’ Engineering Design Sense-MakingWendell, Kristen; Andrews, Chelsea; Watkins, Jessica; Malinowski, Molly
2024Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Elementary Engineering EducationPangan, Tyrine Jamella; Wendell, Kristen