Browsing by Author Vickery, Morgan

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Being Body-Conscious: A Trauma-Informed Inquiry into Elementary Students’ Collective Embodied Learning ExperiencesVickery, Morgan; Mathayas, Nitasha; Danish, Joshua
2024Character Based Models and Computational and Embodied Action Tweaking for SensemakingDanish, Joshua; Mathayas, Nitasha; Zhou, Mengxi; Steinberg, Selena; Vickery, Morgan
2024Learning for Every Body: Intersectional Dimensions of Embodied LearningTancredi, Sofia; Vickery, Morgan; Krause, Christina; Benally, Jessica; Champion, Dionne; Solomon, Foloshadé; Hussain, Farha Najah; Gholson, Maisie L.; Y., Jasmine; Marin, Ananda; Lindberg, Lindsay; Lopez, Brenda Yvonne; Davé, Shivani; Mathayas, Nitasha; Steinberg, Selena; Humburg, Megan; Vossoughi, Shirin
2023Making Sense of Modes in Collective Embodied Science ActivitiesSteinberg, Selena; Zhou, Mengxi; Vickery, Morgan; Mathayas, Nitasha; Danish, Joshua
2022Mediating Elementary Students’ Mechanistic Reasoning in Collective Embodied Modeling ActivitiesZhou, Mengxi; Vickery, Morgan; Danish, Joshua
2021-06Movement, Authority, and Knowledge: Examining the Relationships in Embodied and Social Positioning for STEM LearningParr, Erika David; Machaka, Nessrine; Dyer, Elizabeth B.; Krist, Christina; Langer-Osuna, Jennifer; Chavez, Rosa; Malamut, Jim; Kwon, Faith; Lange, Kimiko; Ramirez, Jesse; Gargroetzi, Emma; Walkoe, Janet; Walton, Margaret; Mathayas, Nitasha; Danish, Joshua; Tu, Xintian; Zhou, Mengxi; Vickery, Morgan; Kelly, Susan; Lindgren, Robb; Shim, Soo-Yean
2022Moving Toward Dignity-Affirming Invitations to Embodied Participation in the Design of Learning EnvironmentsMathayas, Nitasha; Vogelstein, Lauren; Danish, Joshua; Lindberg, Lindsay; Marin, Ananda; Kern, Andrea; Orellana, Marjorie; Meixi; Dorr, Sean; Keefe, Daniel; Diaz, Vicente; Zohar, Roni; Tu, Xintian; Cosic, Lana; Vickery, Morgan; Kelton, Molly
2022Novice Versus Advanced Undergraduate Computing Students’ Engagement in Collaboration in an Online Flipped ClassroomVickery, Morgan; Mithun, Shamima
2023Re-Mediating Technology-Facilitated Embodied Activities at a Summer Camp for Youth With DisabilitiesVickery, Morgan
2020-06Representing Modeling Relationships in Systems: Student Use of ArrowsMoreland, Melissa; Vickery, Morgan; Ryan, Zachary; Murphy, Danielle; Av-Shalom, Na'ama; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Danish, Joshua; Duncan, Ravit; Chinn, Clark
2022The Role of the Physical Space in Distributed IntelligenceTissenbaum, Mike; Lindgren, Robb; Danish, Joshua; Kim, Taehyun; Zeng, Litong; Planey, James; Mercier, Emma; Kang, Jina; Vickery, Morgan; Zhou, Mengxi; Taylor, Katie Headrick; Germinaro, Kaleb; Shapiro, Ben Rydal; Gilliam, Sierra; Slotta, Jim; Moher, Tom; Kumar, Vishesh; Kimball, Nathan; Roberts, Jessica; Leinart, Kyle; Pea, Roy
2021-06Scientific Model Evaluation During a Gallery WalkDanish, Joshua; Vickery, Morgan; Duncan, Ravit; Ryan, Zachary; Stiso, Christina; Zhou, Jinzhi; Murphy, Danielle; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; Chinn, Cark
2021-06Scientific Modeling Practices Through Perspective Taking in a Mixed Reality Embodied Learning EnvironmentVickery, Morgan; Danish, Joshua; Tu, Xintian; Zhou, Mengxi
2021-06Students’ Justifications for Epistemic Criteria for Good Scientific ModelsMurphy, Danielle; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Chinn, Clark A.; Danish, Joshua A.; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Ryan, Zachary; Vickery, Morgan; Stiso, Christina
2024Teaching with Representations: How Teachers’ Perception Shift Their Science TeachingTu, Xintian; Danish, Joshua; Ryan, Zachary; Vickery, Morgan; Rogers, Meredith Park; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Philips, Andrea
2023Who is Disabled? The Social Construction of Disabled Bodies in Embodied ActivityVickery, Morgan