Browsing by Author Sharma, Priya

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Challenging Inequality: A Proposal to Raise ConscientizaĆ§Ć£o about Financialization with Colombian Rural CommunitiesSandoval-Llanos, Jose; Sharma, Priya
2023Combining Discussion Data With NLP Approaches to Better Understand Engagement in a Socio-Digital PlatformAkgun, Mahir; Sharma, Priya; Li, Qiyuan
2022Design of Machine Learning Powered Visualizations to Support Rapid Assessment of Online Student DiscussionsSharma, Priya; Li, Qiyuan; Akgun, Mahir
2023Exploratory Case Study of Collaborative Practices in Flexible Learning SpacesJohn, Pauline M.; Sharma, Priya
2023How do Key Network Actors Shape Discourse in Twitter Hashtag Streams? A Two-Year Comparative Analysis of an Agricultural Educators' ConferenceSharma, Priya; Sandoval, Jose; Foster, Daniel; Foster, Melanie Miller
2024Immersive Learning in Professional Wildlife Training: The Role of VR in Supporting Novice and Expert InteractionBowles, Stephanie; Sharma, Priya
2024Interaction Patterns and Structures in the R/Personalfinance Weekend Help and Victory ThreadSandoval-Llanos, Jose; Sharma, Priya
2023Leveraging Influencer Groups to Examine Learning Networks on TwitterBowles, Stephanie; Sharma, Priya
2024Play and Design: Faculty Perceptions on Playful Interventions for Collaborative Learning in the Design StudioJohn, Pauline Mariam; Sharma, Priya
2010-06Social Network Environments as Third Spaces for Merging Everyday and Formalized PracticesSharma, Priya; Land, Susan; Jordan, Robert; Swain, Jeff; Smith, Brian K.