Browsing by Author Paré, Dylan
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022-06 | Advancing Equitable Education with Intersectional Approaches in Queer Theory | Shrodes, Addie; Paré, Dylan |
2020-06 | Attending to Gender and Sexuality in Learning: Lessons From Scholarship By, For, and With LGBTQ+ People | Uttamchandani, Suraj; Shrodes, Addie; Lizarraga, Jose; Cortez, Arturo; Paré, Dylan; Shanahan, Marie-Claire; Sengupta, Pratim; Bang, Megan; Hoadley, Chris |
2022 | Extending “Othered” Bodies Into Learning Environments: Queer Reorientations, Virtual Reality, and Learning About Gender and Sexuality | Paré, Dylan |
2020-06 | Queering Complexity Using Multi-Agent Simulations | Paré, Dylan; Shanahan, Marie-Claire; Sengupta, Pratim |
2023 | "TERFs are a Thing. And I F*cking Hate Them": Developing Solidarity Through Emotion and Ideology | Paré, Dylan |
2018-07 | Unpacking signs of learning in complex social environments: Desettling neoliberal market-driven educational methodologies, epistemologies and recognitions of learning | Adams, Jennifer D; Barma, Sylvie; Vincent, Marie-Caroline; Voyer, Samantha; Rahm, Jrene; Touioui, Ferdous; Sengupta, Pratim; Shanahan, Marie-Claire; Hladik, Stephanie; Paré, Dylan; Chaffee, Rachel; Luehmann, April; Greenberg, Day; Thompson, Jessica; Haganah, Sara; Barton, Angela Calabrese; O'Connor, Kevin |