Browsing by Author Papendieck, Adam

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06A Computational Approach to Modeling Online Identity DiscoursesPapendieck, Adam
2020-06Developing a Disciplinarily Diverse Course-based Research Experience: Outcomes and Design ConsiderationsPapendieck, Adam; Ellins, Katherine; Clarke, Julia
2021-06Learning in an Arts Education Collective Impact InitiativePapendieck, Adam; Hasty, Brent; Knowles, Jackson
2018-07Mapping Research and Writing Mentorship Assemblages in a Mixed Cohort Course-based Research ExperiencePapendieck, Adam; Cheah, Yin Hong; Eliason, Chad; Clarke, Julia
2024More-than-human Empathizing for Science Identity, Ethical Accountability and SolidarityPapendieck, Adam; Azevedo, Flávio; Lee, Hakeoung Hannah
2023The Narrative Construction of Transformational Science IdentitiesPapendieck, Adam; Azevedo, Flávio S.; Legendre, Lucas J.; Ellins, Katherine K.; Clarke, Julia A.
2020-06On Planning the Canoeing of Rapids and Its Reasoning ProcessesNguyen, Kevin; Azevedo, Flavio; Papendieck, Adam
2022Positioning Self and Others Through Sympathizing, Empathizing, Anthropomorphizing, and Zoomorphizing: A Case StudyPapendieck, Adam; Azevedo, Flávio S.
2024Unpacking Paradox in Co-DesignPapendieck, Adam; Tierney, Gavin; Nguyen, Kevin; James, Nikki
2022When, Where, and at What Pace? Space and Time in Equitable Learning and DesignNguyen, Kevin; James, Nikki; Papendieck, Adam; Quintana, Rebecca M.; Tierney, Gavin; Clarke, Sherice; Lindgren, Robb