Browsing by Author Lundh, Patrik

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-06Bridging school and home: Students' engagement with technologyrich activitiesCheng, Britte Haugan; Villalba, Serena; Schwartz, Daniel; Chin, Doris; Lundh, Patrik; Joshi, Aasha
2024Challenging the Logic of Education Policy Design: A Complex Systems Study of Afterschool Continuous Quality ImprovementLundh, Patrik; Allen, Carrie D.; Boyce, Jared; Beesley, Andrea; Gong, Bowyee
2018-07Combining Non-Programming Activities with Programming for Introducing Foundational Computing ConceptsGrover, Shuchi; Jackiw, Nicholas; Lundh, Patrik; Basu, Satabdi
2018-07Concepts Before Coding: The Impact of Classroom Culture and Activity Design on Student Engagement with Computer Science ConceptsLundh, Patrik; Grover, Shuchi; Jackiw, Nicholas
2012-07Engaging Middle School-Aged Students in Classroom Science and Mathematics: Implications for Design and ResearchPressick-Kilborn, Kimberley; Gresalfi, Melissa; Renninger, K. Ann; Bachrach, Jessica; Shechtman, Nicole; Cheng, Britte; Lundh, Patrik; Trinidad, Gucci; Walker, Richard
2019-06Theorizing and Measuring Collective Productive Disciplinary EngagementCheng, Britte; Gresalfi, Melissa; Bell, Amanda; Brady, Corey; Vogelstein, Lauren; Damsa, Crina; Palonen, Tuire; Rogat, Toni; Traynor, Anne; Adeoye, Temitope; Gomoll, Andrea; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; Hickey, Dan; Andrews, Christopher; Chartrand, Grant; Itow, Rebecca; Lundh, Patrik; Ludvigsen, Sten
2019-06Theorizing and Operationalizing Social Engagement as a Precursor to Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Collaborative GroupsRogat, Toni Kempler; Cheng, Britte; Gomoll, Andrea; Adeoye, Temitope; Traynor, Anne; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; Lundh, Patrik
2010-06Using Design Personas to Inform Refinements to Software for Science LearningLundh, Patrik; Cheng, Britte; Penuel, William R.; Joshi, Aasha; Lesk, Hannah