Browsing by Author Ketelhut, Diane Jass

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Accessible Computational Thinking in Elementary ScienceBernier, Jeremy; Figueroa, Francheska; Ha, Jesse; Mak, Janice; Su, Man; Yan, Lin; Nelson, Brian; Cabrera, Lautaro; Kramarczuk, Kristina; Xin, Yue; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Shockley, Ebony Terrell
2004-06Design-based Research Strategies for Studying Situated Learning and Knowledge Transfer in a Multi-user Virtual EnvironmentDede, Chris; Nelson, Brian; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Clarke, Jody; Bowman, Cassie
2019-06Embedding Computational Thinking in the Elementary Classroom: An Extended Collaborative Teacher Learning ExperienceKetelhut, Diane Jass; Hestness, Emily; Mills, Kelly
2022“The Game Was Designed to Learn to Think” – Player Perceptions of Learning in an Educational GameShokeen, Ekta; Pellicone, Anthony James; Weintrop, David; Moon, Peter Francis; Cukier, Michel; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Plane, Jandelyn Dawn
2021-06Integrating Computational Thinking into Elementary Science OnlineCabrera, Lautaro; Coenraad, Merijke; Byrne, Virginia; Killen, Heather; Ketelhut, Diane Jass
2021-06An Iterative Design Cycle: Using Productive and Unproductive Frustration to Guide Re-DesignShokeen, Ekta; Pellicone, Anthony; Weintrop, David; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Pierce, Caro Williams-; Plane, Jandelyn; Cukier, Michel; Rahimian, Firoozeh
2020-06Reimagining Computational Thinking Professional Development: Benefits of a Community of Practice ModelKillen, Heather; Coenraad, Merijke; Byrne, Virginia; Cabrera, Lautaro; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Plane, Jandelyn
2008-06Rethinking Pedagogy: Using Multi-User Virtual Environments to Foster Authentic Science LearningKetelhut, Diane Jass; Clarke, Jody; Nelson, Brian; Dukas, Geordie
2023Two Changing Minds: A Journey to Culturally Responsive and Computational Thinking Infused Science TeachingXin, Yue; Su, Man; Mak, Janice; Kramarczuk, Kristina; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Nelson, Brian