Browsing by Author Hall, Kevin

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Being a Good Student: Risks and Reactive Coping Strategies Encountered in a Summer STEM Makerspace for Black YouthHall, Kevin; Krist, Christina; Tissenbaum, Michael
2018-07Characterizing Computational Thinking in High School ScienceSwanson, Hillary; Irgens, Golnaz Arastoopour; Bain, Connor; Hall, Kevin; Woods, Philip; Rogge, Carson; Horn, Mike; Wilensky, Uri
2024EMPOWER: Enacting Materials to Promote Ownership, Engagement, and RelevanceKo, Mon-Lin Monica; Krist, Christina; Hug, Barbara; Wingert, Kerri; Suárez, Enrique; Lauren, Logan Hillary; Leonardi, Nicholas; Hall, Kevin; Light, Erica
2023Interactive Tools for Distributed Community Building and Collaboration in Maker EducationTissenbaum, Mike; Holbert, Nathan; Halverson, Erica; Smith, Casey; Correa, Isabel; Hall, Kevin; Bawankule, Ashita; Danzig, Blake; Maltese, Adam; Bers, Marina; Blake-West, Jess; Fields, Deborah; Kafai, Yasmin; Butapetch, Helen; Ottina, John; Chapman, Gail; Saplan, Kailea; Millerjohn, Rebecca
2022Teacher Sensemaking of Potential Educative Features in Science Curricular MaterialsShim, Soo-Yean; Krist, Christina; Ko, Mon-Lin Monica; Jarosewich, Tania; Hall, Kevin; Hug, Barbara
2023Understanding the Assemblage of Community Desire: Progress, Challenges, and Tensions in Establishing a Community-Based Health Justice Science Education Curriculum CollaborativeKrist, Christina; Hall, Kevin; Moodie, Ellen; Hug, Barbara; Smith, Rebecca; Dariotis, Jacinda K.; Whitaker, Rachel; Nguyen, Thanh Huong; Vill, Brittany; Krist, David; Suárez, Enrique; Ko, Monica