Browsing by Author Yang, Zhitong

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Developing Teachers’ Adaptive Expertise for Ambitious Instruction and Disciplinary LearningYoon, Susan A.; Reisman, Abby; Graham, Lindsey; Baldinger, Erin E.; Munson, Jen; Chinn, Clark A.; Richman, Thomas; Noushad, Noora F.; Hussain-Abidi, Huma; Hunkar, Kyle; Yang, Zhitong; Bowers, Nicole; Kavanagh, Sarah Schneider; Gotwalt, Elizabeth; Guillotte, Amy; Berry, Amanda; van Driel, Jan; Vale, Colleen; Widjaja, Wanty; Xu, Lihua; Ferguson, Joe; Pham, Lam; Kim, Jinny
2024Exam Implementation of Scientific Epistemic Practices Curricula Through an Adaptive Expertise Lens: A Case StudyYang, Zhitong; Yoon, Susan A.; Chinn, Clark A.; Cottone, Amanda; Richman, Thomas; Noushad, Noora F.; Hussain-Abidi, Huma; Hunkar, Kyle
2012-07Investigating the Relative Difficulty of Various Complex Systems Ideas in BiologyGoh, Sao-Ee; Yoon, Susan; Wang, Joyce; Yang, Zhitong; Klopfer, Eric
2024‘Scientists don’t know the truth; they tell you what they know to be true!’: Shaping High School Students Understanding of How Scientists Establish Trustworthy Claims Using Epistemic PracticesNoushad, Noora F.; Yoon, Susan A.; Chinn, Clark A.; Yang, Zhitong; Hussain-Abidi, Huma; Hunkar, Kyle
2024Understanding and Promoting Epistemic Growth: Applying the AIR and Apt-AIR FrameworksChinn, Clark A.; Barzilai, Sarit; Levy, Sharona T.; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Av-Shalom, Na'ama; Hussain-Abidi, Huma; Hunkar, Kyle; Lin, Qiuyu; Krishnamoorthy, Rishi; Tan, Edna; Yoon, Susan A.; Noushad, Noora F.; Yang, Zhitong; Varda, Christiana; Kyza, Eleni; Tong, Yuyao; Chan, Carol K. K.; Greene, Jeffrey A.; Deekens, Victor M.; Cartiff, Brain M.; Samarapungavan, Ala