Browsing by Author Wilensky, Uri

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Showing results 39 to 48 of 48 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Quickstart Spaceship Programming for Developing Physical Intuition and Connecting it to Propositional Physics KnowledgeKelter, Jacob; Peel, Amanda; Davey, Bradley; Horn, Michael; Wilensky, Uri
2014-06Re-grow Your City: A NetLogo Curriculum Unit on Regional DevelopmentHjorth, Arthur; Wilensky, Uri
2021-06Refining Student Thinking through Computational ModelingSwanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2018-07The State of the Field in Computational Thinking AssessmentTissenbaum, Mike; Sheldon, Joshua; Sherman, Mark A; Abelson, Hal; Weintrop, David; Jona, Kemi; Horn, Mike; Wilensky, Uri; Basu, Satabdi; Rutstein, Daisy; Snow, Eric; Shear, Linda; Grover, Shuchi; Lee, Irene; Klopfer, Eric; Jayathirtha, Gayithri; Shaw, Mia; kafai, yasmin; Mustafaraj, Eni; Temple, Will; Shapiro, R. Benjamin; Lui, Debora; Sorensen, Clara
2020-06Students’ Epistemic Connections Between Science Inquiry Practices and Disciplinary Ideas in a Computational Science UnitDabholkar, Sugat; Irgens, Golnaz Arastoopour; Horn, Michael; Wilensky, Uri
2022Students’ Prior Knowledge of Disease Spread and PreventionWu, Siyu; Swanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2021-06A Tale of Two PDs: Exploring Teachers' Experiences in Co-designing Computational ActivitiesWu, Sally P.W.; Jones, Bonni; Swanson, Hillary; Horn, Michael S.; Wilensky, Uri
2023Tortuga: Building Interactive Scaffolds for Agent-based Modeling and Programming in NetLogoChen, John; Horn, Michael; Wilensky, Uri
2022Tuning Perceptions and Inferences to See a Graph in a New WaySwanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2006-06What’s a Situation in Situated Cognition? – A Constructionist Critique of Authentic InquiryAbrahamson, Dor; diSessa, Andrea A.; Blikstein, Paulo; Wilensky, Uri; Uttal, David H.; Amaya, Meredith M.; Marulis, Loren M.; Collins, Allan M.