Browsing by Author Swanson, Hillary

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Showing results 17 to 32 of 32 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Meta-Theoretic Competence Demonstrated by Students in the Patterns ClassSwanson, Hillary
2024Novel Technologies and Epistemic Considerations in Studying Knowledge-in-Use and in-TransitionLevin, Mariana; Swanson, Hillary; Disessa, Andrea A.; Leitch, Michael; Orrill, Chandra; Sherin, Bruce
2024Operational Routes: A Construct for Characterizing Intermediate Learners’ Cognitive Navigational StrategiesArnell, Jared; Swanson, Hillary; Edwards, Boyd; Edwards, John
2023The Pivot: Identifying Emergent Tactics in Distributed Epistemic GamesMatthews, Jenna; Swanson, Hillary
2024A Preliminary Model for Responsive Co-DesignSwanson, Hillary; Lawrence, LuEttaMae
2016-07Prior Knowledge for the Construction of a Scientific Model of EquilibrationSwanson, Hillary
2021-06Refining Student Thinking through Computational ModelingSwanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2024Responsive Teaching in the Context of Theory-Building ActivitiesSwanson, Hillary; Lawrence, LuEttaMae
2022Rotating Bodies Bulge Outward: A Novel Intuitive Resource for Rotational MotionArnell, Jared; Swanson, Hillary; Edwards, Boyd
2023“Shake the Slinky More”: Exploring the Medley of Meaning in Middle School Science Students’ LanguageArnell, Jared; Swanson, Hillary; Lawrence, LuEttaMae
2024Shall We Play a Game? Distributed Games with a Generative AI PlayerMatthews, Jenna; Nguyen, Ha; Swanson, Hillary
2023Signals of Teachers’ Readiness for Change in Next Generation Science Professional DevelopmentJones, Bonni; Swanson, Hillary; Nguyen, Ha
2022Students’ Prior Knowledge of Disease Spread and PreventionWu, Siyu; Swanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2021-06A Tale of Two PDs: Exploring Teachers' Experiences in Co-designing Computational ActivitiesWu, Sally P.W.; Jones, Bonni; Swanson, Hillary; Horn, Michael S.; Wilensky, Uri
2022Tuning Perceptions and Inferences to See a Graph in a New WaySwanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2022Using Reference Models as a Springboard for Ontological Innovation: Analyzing a Central Theory Building Move in the Learning SciencesSwanson, Hillary; Levin, Mariana