Browsing by Author Swanson, Hillary

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06Building Blocks: Kids Designing Scientific, Domain-Specific, Block-Based, Agent-Based MicroworldsMartin, Kit; Bain, Connor; Swanson, Hillary; Horn, Michael; Wilensky, Uri
2018-07Characterizing Computational Thinking in High School ScienceSwanson, Hillary; Irgens, Golnaz Arastoopour; Bain, Connor; Hall, Kevin; Woods, Philip; Rogge, Carson; Horn, Mike; Wilensky, Uri
2021-06Characterizing Student Theory Building in Computational ModelingSwanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2020-06Characterizing Student Theory Building in the Context of Block-Based Agent-Based Modeling MicroworldsSwanson, Hillary; Martin, Kit; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2023Comparing the Pedagogical Strategies of Teachers Who Co-Designed Units to Support Students’ Theory BuildingDawkins, Allisia; Lawrence, LuEttaMae; Swanson, Hillary
2010-06Energy across the Curriculum - Cumulative Learning Using Embedded Assessment ResultsSvihla, Vanessa; Gerard, Libby; Ryoo, Kihyun; Sato, Elissa; Visintainer, Tammie; Swanson, Hillary; Linn, Marcia; Lee, Hee-Sun; Liu, Ou Lydia; Dorsey, Chad
2024Epistemic Games at the Frontier: A Characterization of Emerging Science and Engineering PracticesSinha, Ravi; Swanson, Hillary; Date, Geetanjali; Chandrasekharan, Sanjay
2023Epistemic Systems: A Knowledge-Level Characterization of Epistemic GamesSwanson, Hillary
2012-07Finding the Common Thread: Learners' Intuitive Knowledge of General Patterns that Apply Across DomainsSwanson, Hillary
2022A Framework for Assessing Teachers’ Readiness for Pedagogical TransformationJones, Bonni; Swanson, Hillary
2024How Research Practice Partnerships Build Comfort and Strengthen Collaborations as Research Agendas ShiftLawrence, LuEttaMae; Jones, Bonni; Solola, Idris; Swanson, Hillary
2024The Impact of Responsive-Teaching-Focused Co-design on Teacher PracticeSolola, Idris; Swanson, Hillary; Lawrence, LuEttaMae
2022Instructional Landmarks: Describing a Novel Intermediate Knowledge Structure for Physics LearnersArnell, Jared; Swanson, Hillary; Edwards, Boyd
2022Investigating Student Learning About Disease Spread and Prevention in the Context of Agent-Based Computational ModelingWu, Siyu; Swanson, Hillary; Sherin, Bruce; Wilensky, Uri
2023Knowledge Facilitating Epistemic Game MovesSwanson, Hillary
2023Leveraging Intuitive Resources to Reason About the Coriolis ForceArnell, Jared; Swanson, Hillary; Edwards, Boyd
2022Meta-Theoretic Competence Demonstrated by Students in the Patterns ClassSwanson, Hillary
2024Novel Technologies and Epistemic Considerations in Studying Knowledge-in-Use and in-TransitionLevin, Mariana; Swanson, Hillary; Disessa, Andrea A.; Leitch, Michael; Orrill, Chandra; Sherin, Bruce
2024Operational Routes: A Construct for Characterizing Intermediate Learners’ Cognitive Navigational StrategiesArnell, Jared; Swanson, Hillary; Edwards, Boyd; Edwards, John
2023The Pivot: Identifying Emergent Tactics in Distributed Epistemic GamesMatthews, Jenna; Swanson, Hillary