Browsing by Author Ryan, Zachary

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Showing results 8 to 15 of 15 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Scaffolding Students’ Adoption of Norms for Peer CritiqueZhou, Jinzhi; Albert, Lauren; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Danish, Joshua; Ryan, Zachary; Stiso, Christina; Murphy, Danielle; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Chinn, Clark A.; Lin, Qiuyu
2021-06Scientific Model Evaluation During a Gallery WalkDanish, Joshua; Vickery, Morgan; Duncan, Ravit; Ryan, Zachary; Stiso, Christina; Zhou, Jinzhi; Murphy, Danielle; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; Chinn, Cark
2021-06Students’ Justifications for Epistemic Criteria for Good Scientific ModelsMurphy, Danielle; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Chinn, Clark A.; Danish, Joshua A.; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Ryan, Zachary; Vickery, Morgan; Stiso, Christina
2024Students’ Prioritization of Initial and Direct Causal Mechanisms During Model EvaluationMurphy, Danielle; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Chinn, Clark A.; Danish, Joshua; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Ryan, Zachary; Zhou, Jinzhi; Stiso, Christina
2023Supporting Students’ Epistemic Agency to Revise a Class Criteria List for Scientific ModelsMurphy, Danielle; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Chinn, Clark A.; Danish, Joshua; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Ryan, Zachary; Zhou, Jinzhi; Stiso, Christina
2023Supporting the Appropriation of Historical Practices in a Game-Based Undergraduate History ClassroomRyan, Zachary; Stiso, Christina; Danish, Joshua; Robinson, Eric
2024Teaching with Representations: How Teachers’ Perception Shift Their Science TeachingTu, Xintian; Danish, Joshua; Ryan, Zachary; Vickery, Morgan; Rogers, Meredith Park; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Philips, Andrea
2021-06Understanding Students’ Representations of Mechanism through Modeling Complex Aquatic EcosystemsRyan, Zachary; Danish, Joshua; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.