Browsing by Author Riedy, Robbin

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Designing to Disrupt While Encountering Disruption: Engaging With the Unexpected in Educational Research and PracticeStamatis, Kristina M.; Clarke, Sherice N.; Polman, Joseph L.; Gates, Zaynab; Lee, Ung-Sang; Van, Marcus; Nagashima, Tomohiro; Yadav, Gautam; Aleven, Vincent; Oswald, Emily; Esborg, Line; Pierroux, Palmyre; Riedy, Robbin; Farrell, Caitlin; Penuel, William R.; Resnick, Alison; Singleton, Corinne; S, Sushil; Sommer, Stephen; Tran, Trang C.; Palomar, Marlene; Mckoy, Ashieda; Ortega, Brenda Aguirre; Palomar, Fabiola; Tran, Trang B.; Widman, Sari; Chan, Jenny Yun-Chen; Closser, Avery H.; Ngo, Vy; Smith, Hannah; Liu, Allison S.; Ottmar, Erin R.; Yu, Junnan
2021-06Developing a Conceptual Framework for Dignity-Affirming Care in Collaborative ResearchRiedy, Robbin
2020-06Equity Across State Systems: Possibilities and Tensions in Understanding ScaleWingert, Kerri; Riedy, Robbin; Campanella, Melissa; Penuel, William R.
2020-06The Importance of Aiming for Practical Wisdom: Why We Should Nest Epistemic Goals in Phronetic GoalsPolman, Joseph; Riedy, Robbin; Hinojosa, Leighanna
2018-07Mapping Networks to Help Education Leaders Gain Insights into Complex Educational SystemsRiedy, Robbin; Van Horne, Katie; Bell, Philip; Penuel, Bill; Neill, Tiffany; Shaw, Sam
2020-06Preparing Researchers to Participate in Collaborative ResearchDavidson, Kristen; Bell, Adam; Riedy, Robbin; Sandoval, Carlos; Wegemer, Christopher; Clark, Tiffany; Farrell, Caitlin; Fishman, Barry; Russell, Jennifer; Penuel, William R.; Marin, Ananda