Browsing by Author Richards, Jennifer

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-06Characterizing a New Dimension of Change in Attending and Responding to the Substance of Student ThinkingRichards, Jennifer; Elby, Andrew; Gupta, Ayush
2018-07“Choose Your Own Adventure”: Responsive Curricular Choices in Elementary ScienceRichards, Jennifer; Thompson, Jessica
2014-06Differing Notions of Responsive Teaching across Mathematics and Science: Does the Discipline Matter?Elby, Andrew; Richards, Jennifer; Walkoe, Janet; Gupta, Ayush; Russ, Rosemary S.; Luna, Melissa J.; Robertson, Amy; Coffey, Janet E.; Edwards, Ann R.; Sherin, Miriam; van Es, Elizabeth A.
2022Exploring Focused Responsiveness as an Approach to Facilitation in Professional LearningRichards, Jennifer
2010-06Exploring how novice teachers learn to attend to students in analyzing case studies of classroom teaching and learningLevin, Daniel; Richards, Jennifer
2020-06Framing Analysis Lite: A Tool for Teacher EducatorsElby, Andrew; Luna, Melissa; Robertson, Amy; Levin, Daniel; Richards, Jennifer
2020-06Orchestrating for Seeing: How Teachers See and Help Others See Student Thinking When Self-Capturing Classroom VideoRichards, Jennifer; Altshuler, Mari; Sherin, Bruce; Sherin, Miriam
2020-06So What? Now What? Two Tools for Supporting Teachers’ Thought ExperimentsLarison, Sarah; Munson, Jen; Richards, Jennifer
2021-06Teachers' Aesthetic Judgments of Classroom EventsRichards, Jennifer; Sherin, Bruce L.; Altshuler, Mari
2021-06Toward a Conceptual Framework for Practical Measurement as Organizational StructureAnderson, Eleanor R.; Richards, Jennifer