Browsing by Author Oshima, Jun

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Showing results 3 to 22 of 38 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008-06Change in students’ internal scripts for knowledge building: A challenge to capture epistemic agencyOshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko
2013-06Collaborative Learning Through Socially Shared Regulation Supported by a Robotic AgentOshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko
2012-07Collaborative Reading Comprehension with Communication Robots as Learning PartnerOshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko; Miyake, Naomi
2017-07Collective Knowledge Advancement and Conceptual Understanding of Complex Scientific Concepts in the Jigsaw InstructionOshima, Jun; Ohsaki, Ayano; Yamada, Yuki; Oshima, Ritsuko
2019-06Collective Knowledge Advancement through Shared Epistemic Agency: Socio-Semantic Network AnalysesOshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko; Ohsaki, Ayano; Splichal, Jin
2007-07Complex Network Theory Approach to the Assessment on Collective Knowledge Advancement through Scientifc Discourse in CSCLOshima, Jun; Oshima, and Ritsuko
2002-01Design Experiments for Integrating a CSCL Technology into Japanese Elementary Science EducationOshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko; Murayama, Isao; Inagaki, Shigenori; Nakayama, Hayashi; Yamaguchi, Etsuji; Takenaka, Makiko
2023Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ Epistemic Cognition Through Learning Pedagogical KnowledgeKawasaki, Miho; Oshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko
2020-06Differences in Idea Improvement Processes between High and Low Learning-Outcome Groups in Project-based LearningKawakubo, Anthony J Taiki; Oshima, Jun
2021-06Discourse Patterns and Collective Cognitive Responsibility in Collaborative Problem-SolvingOshima, Jun; Yamashita, Shotaro; Oshima, Ritsuko
2022Diversity in Learners’ Contributions to Idea Improvement Processes Among the High Learning-Outcome Groups in a Knowledge Building PracticeKawakubo, Anthony J Taiki; Oshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko
2018-07Enhancing Online Structured Dialogue During Teaching Internships Through Digital Storytelling to Promote Professional SocializationMochizuki, Toshio; Kitazawa, Takeshi; Oshima, Jun; Suzuki, Hideyuki; Funaoi, Hideo
2011-06Enhancing the Social and Cognitive Benefits of Digital Tools and MediaLaferriere, Therese; Viilo, Marjut; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Pirita; Hakkarainen, Kai; Oshima, Jun; Scardamalia, Marlene; Bereiter, Carl; Chen, Bodong; Chuy, Maria; Resendes, Monica; van Aalst, Jan; Chan, Carol; Bielaczyc, Katerine; Hong, Huang-Yao; Zhang, Jianwei
2019-06Epistemic Frames of Idea Evaluation in CollaborationIkeda, Shono; Oshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko
2021-06Idea Improvement Processes Leading to High Learning Outcomes and the Development of Regulation in CollaborationKawakubo, Anthony J Taiki; Oshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko
1995-10Information—Access Characteristics for High Conceptual Progress in a Computer—Networked Learning EnvironmentOshima, Jun; Bereiter, Carl; Scardamalia, Marlene
2023Infrastructuring for Knowledge BuildingChen, Bodong; Scardamalia, Marlene; Bereiter, Carl; Zhang, Jianwei; Park, Hyejin; Teo, Chew Lee; Yuan, Guangji; Lee, Alwyn Vwen Yen; Hod, Yotam; Kashi, Shiri; Cohen, Etan; Oshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko; Kawakubo, Anthony J Taiki; Kayagi, Toru; Yamashita, Shotaro; Kumazawa, Reona; Lu, Jun; Chan, Carol K. K.; Feng, Xueqi; Zhao, Jianhua; Groos, David; Zhu, Xinran; Bielaczyc, Katerine
2021-06Knowledge Creation Analytics for Jigsaw Instruction: Temporal Socio-Semantic Network AnalysisOhsaki, Ayano; Oshima, Jun
1996-07Knowledge-Building and Conceptual Change: An Inquiry into Student-directed Construction of Scientific ExplanationsOshima, Jun; Scardamalia, Marlene
2023Leadership of Transactive Discourse in Collaborative Problem SolvingOshima, Jun; Oshima, Ritsuko; Yamashita, Shotaro; Lu, Jun