Browsing by Author Lee, Sarah

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Showing results 6 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-06Friends as Flowers: How Perspective-Taking and Empathy Transform Children’s Relationships to Science and NatureJen, Tessaly; Lee, Sarah; Cosic, Lana; Askew, Rachel; Daniel, Bethany; Enyedy, Noel
2024"How Are Acorns Equitable?": Teacher Candidate Perceptions of Immersive Multilingual ExperiencesLee, Sarah; Daniel, Bethany; Keifert, D. Teo; Pierson, Ashlyn; Jeong, Sophia; Johnson, Heather; Henrie, Andrea; O’Beollain, Skye; Syifa, Mutiara
2023Learning to be a Science Teacher: The Worries, Joys, and Vulnerabilities of Exploring New PedagogiesHumburg, Megan; Bell, Adam; Keifert, D Teo; Tu, Xintian; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Danish, Joshua; Lee, Sarah; Henrie, Andrea; Rogers, Meredith Park; Francis, Dionne Cross; Enyedy, Noel
2022Navigating Making Space: Attending to Multiple Learning Pathways in Science LearningBell, Adam; Lee, Sarah; Haverly, Christa; Pierson, Ashlyn; Keifert, Danielle; Johnson, Heather; Salgado, Michelle; Shim, Soo-Yean; Krist, Christina; Nation, Jasmine; Kang, Hosun
2022Science Teachers’ Ideological Shifts About Multilingual LearnersDaniel, Bethany; Pierson, Ashlyn; Keifert, Danielle; Lee, Sarah; Askew, Rachel
2024Students’ Representational and Relational Caring in STEMPierson, Ashlyn; Brady, Corey; Lee, Sarah; Shuler, Deborah; Clark, Douglas B.; Sengupta, Pratim
2023Sustaining Participation in an Elementary Science PD CommunityDaniel, Bethany; Lee, Sarah; Askew, Rachel; Bell, Adam; Henrie, Andrea; Johnson, Heather; Pierson, Ashlyn; Ziegler, Hannah; Keifert, D. Teo
2024Where Material Impact Matters: Fostering Equitable Teaching Practices through Working Differences in Elementary Science Methods CourseJeong, Sophia; Pierson, Ashlyn; Keifert, D. Teo; Henrie, Andrea; Johnson, Heather; Daniel, Bethany; Lee, Sarah