Browsing by Author Lee, Christine

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Showing results 3 to 10 of 10 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-07Blending Play and Inquiry in Augmented Reality: A Comparison of Playing a Video Game to Playing Within a Participatory ModelDeLiema, David; Saleh, Asmalina; Lee, Christine; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; Illum, Randy; Dahn, Maggie; Humburg, Megan; Mahoney, Charlie
2020-06Designing for Playful Math Engagement Across Learning EnvironmentsLee, Christine; Wongkamalasai, Megan; Thompson, Naomi; Jasien, Lara; Rubin, Andee
2024An Exploration of how Adults Guide Play in Ways that Foster Mutual Intellectual Respect: The Cases of a Kelp Forest and a Guess My PatternLee, Christine; Jasien, Lara
2018-07Moving Forward: In Search of Synergy Across Diverse Views on the Role of Physical Movement in Design for STEM EducationAbrahamson, Dor; Andrade, Alejandro; Lindwall, Oskar; Bakker, Arthur; Nathan, Mitchell; Walkington, Candace A; Lindgren, Robb; Brown, David; Zohar, Asnat R.; Levy, Sharona T.; Danish, Joshua; Maltese, Adam; Enyedy, Noel; Humburg, Megan; Saleh, Asmalina; Dahn, Maggie; Lee, Christine; Tu, Xintian; Davis, Bria; Georgen, Chris
2021-06Playful Discourse Practices in Guided Play Learning EnvironmentsLee, Christine; Humburg, Megan; Georgen, Chris; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua
2015-07Science Through Technology Enhanced Play: Designing to Support Reflection Through Play and EmbodimentDanish, Joshua A.; Enyedy, Noel; Saleh, Asmalina; Lee, Christine; Andrade, Alejandro
2021-06Supporting Children’s Spatial Representation Practices Through Playful and Embodied ExperiencesWongkamalasai, Megan; Lee, Christine
2018-07Tracing Bodies Through Liminal Blends during Play-based Inquiry in a Mixed Reality EnvironmentKeifert, Danielle; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; Lee, Christine; Dahn, Maggie; Lindberg, Lindsay