Browsing by Author Halverson, Erica

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Showing results 4 to 11 of 11 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The Development of Creative Freedom: Youth Conceptions of Agency Through Participation in Arts ProgrammingBullington, Tracey; Halverson, Erica; Samuels, John L.; Lashley, Yorel
2024Doing Learning Sciences Research In and Through Performing ArtsWoods, Peter J.; Vogelstein, Lauren; Lindberg, Lindsay; Siciliano, Lisa M.; Wargo, Jon; Probst, Caleb; Saplan, Kailea; Ortega, Yecid; Halverson, Erica
2018-07Forms of Emergent Collaboration in Maker-Based LearningHalverson, Erica; Litts, Breanne K; Gravel, Brian
2023The Future of Maker EducationBlikstein, Paulo; Davis, Richard; Rosenbaum, Leah F.; Zheng, Yipu; Bender, Sophia; Halverson, Erica; Keune, Anna; Martin, Lee; Peppler, Kylie; Thomas Murphy, Ciara; Vossoughi, Shirin; Worsley, Marcelo Aaron Bonilla; Yankova, Nickolina; Hooper, Paula
2012-07Identity and Digital Media Production in the College ClassroomHalverson, Erica; Bass, Michelle
2023Interactive Tools for Distributed Community Building and Collaboration in Maker EducationTissenbaum, Mike; Holbert, Nathan; Halverson, Erica; Smith, Casey; Correa, Isabel; Hall, Kevin; Bawankule, Ashita; Danzig, Blake; Maltese, Adam; Bers, Marina; Blake-West, Jess; Fields, Deborah; Kafai, Yasmin; Butapetch, Helen; Ottina, John; Chapman, Gail; Saplan, Kailea; Millerjohn, Rebecca
2007-07Reality Television, Fan behavior, and Participation in Online Communities of PracticeHalverson, Erica
2019-06The Role of Asynchronous Digital Feedback in Youth Maker ProjectsHalverson, Erica; Mueller, Amy; Dai, Zhaohui