Browsing by Author Grover, Shuchi

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Showing results 13 to 20 of 20 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-06The MOOC as Distributed Intelligence: Dimensions of a Framework & Evaluation of MOOCsGrover, Shuchi; Franz, Paul; Schneider, Emily; Pea, Roy
2018-07Peer Tutor Matching for Introductory Programming: Data-Driven Methods to Enable New Opportunities for HelpDiana, Nicholas; Eagle, Michael; Stamper, John; Grover, Shuchi; Bienkowski, Marie; Basu, Satabdi
2023PhoneIoT for Teaching ‘Internet of Things’: Smartphones to Promote Accessible, Engaging, and Authentic ExperiencesJean, Devin; Grover, Shuchi; Ledeczi, Akos; Broll, Brian
2018-07A Principled Approach to Designing Assessments That Integrate Science and Computational ThinkingBasu, Satabdi; McElhaney, Kevin W; Grover, Shuchi; Harris, Christopher J.; Biswas, Gautam
2018-07The State of the Field in Computational Thinking AssessmentTissenbaum, Mike; Sheldon, Joshua; Sherman, Mark A; Abelson, Hal; Weintrop, David; Jona, Kemi; Horn, Mike; Wilensky, Uri; Basu, Satabdi; Rutstein, Daisy; Snow, Eric; Shear, Linda; Grover, Shuchi; Lee, Irene; Klopfer, Eric; Jayathirtha, Gayithri; Shaw, Mia; kafai, yasmin; Mustafaraj, Eni; Temple, Will; Shapiro, R. Benjamin; Lui, Debora; Sorensen, Clara
2023Supporting K-12 Computer Science Formative Assessment Evaluation and Teacher Assessment LiteracyGrover, Shuchi; Pellegrino, James W.
2020-06Weaving the Fabric of Adaptive STEM Learning Environments Across Domains and SettingsPea, Roy; Grover, Shuchi
2020Weaving the Fabric of Adaptive STEM Learning Environments Across Domains and SettingsPea, Roy; Grover, Shuchi; Brown, Bryan