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Showing results 35 to 54 of 77 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-06Ghost in the Machine: A Symposium on Collaboration Between Human and Computerized Agents in Educational ContextsStadler, Matthias; Fischer, Frank; Graesser, Art; Papadopoulos, Pantelis M.; Radkowitsch, Anika; Schmidmaier, Ralf; Fischer, Martin; Li, Haiying; Hao, Jiangang; Greiff, Samuel
2011-06How Can Current Approaches to the Transfer of Technology-Based Collaboration Scripts for Research and Practice Be Integrated?Stegmann, Karsten; Wecker, Christof; Harrer, Andreas; Ronen, Michaela; Kohen-Vacs, Dan; Dimitriadis, Yannis; Hernandez-Leo, Davinia; Fernandez, Eloy; Asensio-Perez, Juan; Fischer, Frank
2013-06How Collaboration Scripts are Internalized: A Script Theory of Guidance PerspectiveMu, Jin; Stegmann, Karsten; Fischer, Frank
2023How to Use Theory to Implement Natural Language Processing for Peer-FeedbackGreisel, Martin; Bauer, Elisabeth; Kuznetsov, Ilia; Berndt, Markus; Dresel, Markus; Fischer, Martin R.; Kollar, Ingo; Fischer, Frank
2008-06Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behaviorAsterhan, Christa; Schwarz, Baruch; Weinberger, Armin; Stegmann, Karsten; Fischer, Frank; Wichmann, Astrid; Harrer, Andreas; Hoppe, Ulrich
2005-05Internal and External Collaboration Scripts in Web-Based Science Learning at SchoolsKollar, Ingo; Fischer, Frank; Slotta, James D.
2014-06The Interplay of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Factors in Scientific Reasoning and ArgumentationFischer, Frank; Wecker, Christof; Hetmanek, Andreas; Osborne, Jonathan; Chinn, Clark A.; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Rinhart, Ronald W.; Siler, Stephanie A.; Klahr, David; Sandoval, William A.
2013-06Is There Evidence for Expertise on Collaboration and if so, is it Domain-Specific or Domain-General?Kiesewetter, Jan; Fischer, Martin R.; Fischer, Frank
2021-06Learners’ Adjustment Strategies Following Impasses in Medical Simulations - Effects of Prior KnowledgeHeitzmann, Nicole; Stadler, Matthias; Radkowitsch, Anika; Fischer, Martin R.; Schmidmaier, Ralf; Fischer, Frank
2013-06Learning to Argue in Mathematics: Effects of Heuristic Worked Examples and CSCL Scripts on Transactive ArgumentationVogel, Freydis; Reichersdorfer, Elisabeth; Kollar, Ingo; Ufer, Stefan; Reiss, Kristina; Fischer, Frank
2022Learning to Build Bridges: Promoting Skills for Complex Collaboration Across Professional and Cultural BoundariesStrauß, Sebastian; Eberle, Julia; Tunnigkeit, Isis; vom Bovert, Leonie Fey; Schmittchen, Marcel; Avdullahu, Arlind; Rummel, Nikol; Witti, Matthias; Zottmann, Jan; Wershofen, Birgit; Fischer, Frank; Fischer, Martin R.; Ndubuisi, Anuli; Slotta, Jim; Marzi, Elham; Borge, Marcela; Aldemir, Tugce; Soto, José; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein
2008-06Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular ContextsBlavier, Adélaïde; Zottmann, Jan; Fischer, Frank; Aboulafia, Annette; Vadcard, Lucile; Luengo, Vanda; Dieckmann, Peter; Rall, Marcus
2012-07Legitimate Peripheral Participation in Academic Communities of Practice – How Newcomers' Learning is Supported in Student CouncilsEberle, Julia; Stegmann, Karsten; Fischer, Frank
2014-06Making the Most Out of It: Maximizing Learners’ Benefits from Expert, Peer and Automated Feedback across DomainsWichmann, Astrid; McNamara, Danielle S.; Bolzer, Markus; Strijbos, Jan-Willem; Fischer, Frank; Leiba, Moshe; Funk, Alexandra; Rummel, Nikol; Ronen, Michaela; Peters, Olaf; Narciss, Susanne; Körndle, Hermann; Roscoe, Rod D.; Varner, Laura K.; Snow, Erica L.; Quintana, Chris
2022Making the Rich Even Richer? Interaction of Structured Reflection With Prior Knowledge in Collaborative Medical SimulationsRichters, Constanze; Stadler, Matthias; Radkowitsch, Anika; Behrmann, Felix; Weidenbusch, Marc; Fischer, Martin R.; Schmidmaier, Ralf; Fischer, Frank
2014-06Moving Beyond Case Studies: Using Social Network Analysis to Study Learning as Participation in Communities of PracticeEberle, Julia; Stegmann, Karsten; Fischer, Frank
2011-06The Myth of Over-scripting: Can Novices be Supported too much?Stegmann, Karsten; Mu, Jin; Gehlen-Baum, Vera; Fischer, Frank
2014-06NAPLeS: Networked Learning in the Learning SciencesVogel, Freydis; Fischer, Frank; Sommerhoff, Daniel
2008-06New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script supportRummel, Nikol; Weinberger, Armin; Wecker, Christof; Fischer, Frank; Meier, Anne; Voyiatzaki, Eleni; Kahrimanis, George; Spada, Hans; Avouris, Nikolaos; Walker, Erin; Koedinger, Kenneth; Rose, Carolyn; Kumar, Rohit; Gweon, Gahgene; Wang, Yi-Chia; Joshi, Mahesh
2024Opening the Black Box of the Effects of Instructional Support on Collaborative Diagnostic Processes with Process MiningBach, Katharina M.; Wildner, Andreas; Fischer, Martin R.; Fischer, Frank; Chernikova, Olga; Richters, Constanze