Browsing by Author Enyedy, Noel

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Showing results 11 to 30 of 38 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Choosing, Imagining, and Changing as Agency in a Mixed-Reality STEM Learning EnvironmentLee, Sarah J.; Lane, Alicia C.; Jen, Tessaly; Anton, Gabriella; Enyedy, Noel
2023Computational Tinkering With Movement in Embodied ModelsAnton, Gabriella; Ayalon, Efrat; Mathayas, Nitasha; Zhou, Mengxi; Danish, Joshua; Enyedy, Noel
2013-06Constructing and Deconstructing Materially-Anchored Conceptual Blends in an Augmented Reality Collaborative Learning EnvironmentEnyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; DeLiema, David
2008-06Culturally Relevant Mathematics: Students’ Cultural Engagement with StatisticsFields, Deborah; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Elementary Science Teachers’ Use of Representations to Build Shared Understanding from Students’ Diverse Ideas and PracticesPierson, Ashlyn; Keifert, Danielle; Lee, Sarah; Henrie, Andrea; Johnson, Heather; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Embodying STEM: Learning at the intersection of Dance and STEMSolomon, Folashade; Vogelstein, Lauren; Brady, Corey; Steinberg, Rebecca; Thomas, Curtis; Champion, Dionne; Lindberg, Lindsay; Enyedy, Noel; DesPortes, Kayla; Payne, William; Bergner, Yoav; Taylor, Edd; Shapiro, R. Benjamin
2019-06Examining How Scientific Modeling Emerges Through Collective Embodied PlayTu, Xintian; Danish, Joshua; Georgen, Chris; Humburg, Megan; Davis, Bria; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Expansive Modeling: Broadening the scope of modeling in K-12 educationWagh, Aditi; Dickes, Amanda; Lam-Herrera, Marilu; Sengupta, Pratim; Reimers, Jackson; Vogelstein, Lauren; Brady, Corey; Steinberg, Rebecca; Thomas, Curtis; Pierson, Ashlyn; Farris, Amy Voss; Wolkenhauer, Rachel; Lloyd, Gwendolyn; Murphy, P. Karen; DeLiema, David; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; Steen, Francis; Fridman, Chani; Levy, Sharona T.; Hel-Or, Hagit; Bang, Megan
2024Exploring Artificial Intelligence Supported Interaction AnalysisZhou, Mengxi; Fonteles, Joyce; Danish, Joshua; Davalos, Eduardo; Steinberg, Selena; Biswas, Gautam; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Exploring Elementary Science Teacher Identity in a Professional Development Program: Soren’s StoryAskew, Rachel; Daniel, Bethany; Lee, Sarah; Enyedy, Noel; Cross-Francis, Dionne
2020-06Extended Embodiment: Physical and Conceptual Tools in a Mixed-Reality Learning Environment as Supports for Young Learners’ Exploration of Science ConceptsTu, Xintian; Georgen, Chris; Danish, Joshua; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Friends as Flowers: How Perspective-Taking and Empathy Transform Children’s Relationships to Science and NatureJen, Tessaly; Lee, Sarah; Cosic, Lana; Askew, Rachel; Daniel, Bethany; Enyedy, Noel
2018-07How Teachers Use Instructional Improvisation to Organize Science Discourse and Learning in a Mixed Reality EnvironmentDahn, Maggie; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua
2014-06Is the Sum Greater than Its Parts? Reflections on the Agenda of Integrating Analyses of Cognition and LearningLevin, Mariana; Parnafes, Orit; Koschmann, Timothy; diSessa, Andrea A.; Stevens, Reed; Hall, Rogers; Danish, Joshua A.; Enyedy, Noel
2014-06Learning and Becoming Through Art-Making: Relationships among tools, phenomena, people, and communities in shaping youth identity developmentEnyedy, Noel; Polman, Joseph L.; Graville-Smith, Cynthia; Bang, Megan; Warren, Beth; Rosebery, Ann; Burke, Jeff; Wagmister, Fabian; Bolling, Amy; Fitz-Gibbon, Taylor; Halverson, Erica Rosenfeld; Nasir, Na'ilah Suad
2023Learning to be a Science Teacher: The Worries, Joys, and Vulnerabilities of Exploring New PedagogiesHumburg, Megan; Bell, Adam; Keifert, D Teo; Tu, Xintian; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Danish, Joshua; Lee, Sarah; Henrie, Andrea; Rogers, Meredith Park; Francis, Dionne Cross; Enyedy, Noel
2018-07Moving Forward: In Search of Synergy Across Diverse Views on the Role of Physical Movement in Design for STEM EducationAbrahamson, Dor; Andrade, Alejandro; Lindwall, Oskar; Bakker, Arthur; Nathan, Mitchell; Walkington, Candace A; Lindgren, Robb; Brown, David; Zohar, Asnat R.; Levy, Sharona T.; Danish, Joshua; Maltese, Adam; Enyedy, Noel; Humburg, Megan; Saleh, Asmalina; Dahn, Maggie; Lee, Christine; Tu, Xintian; Davis, Bria; Georgen, Chris
2019-06Personal Embodiment, Social Enactment: Collaborative Learning With Body TechnologyFields, Deborah; Ching, Cynthia Carter; Lee, Victor; Litts, Breanne; Mortensen, Chase; Danish, Joshua; Humburg, Megan; Davis, Bria; Tu, Xintian; Lui, Debora; Shaw, Mia; Jayathirtha, Gayithri; Kafai, Yasmin; Lindberg, Lindsay; Lindgren, Robb; Planey, James; Morphew, Jason; Taylor, Katie Headrick Taylor; Bell, Adam; Riesland, Erin; Hays, Maria; Silvis, Deborah; Dubovi, Ilana; Enyedy, Noel; Hall, Rogers
2011-06Play and Augmented Reality in Learning Physics: The SPASES ProjectEnyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; Delacruz, Girlie; Kumar, Melissa; Gentile, Sylvia
2021-06Playful Discourse Practices in Guided Play Learning EnvironmentsLee, Christine; Humburg, Megan; Georgen, Chris; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua