Browsing by Author Enyedy, Noel

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997-12Active and Supportive Computer-Mediated Resources for Student-to-Student ConversationsEnyedy, Noel; Vahey, Phil; Gifford, Bernard R.
2018-07Affordances of Digital, Textile and Living Media for Designing and Learning Biology in K-12 Educationkafai, yasmin; Horn, Mike; Danish, Joshua; Humburg, Megan; Tu, Xintian; Davis, Bria; Georgen, Chris; Enyedy, Noel; Blikstein, Paulo; Clegg, Tamara; Byrne, Virginia L; Norooz, Leyla; kang, Seokbin; Froehlich, Jon; Walker, Justice Toshiba; Lui, Debora; Anderson, Emma; kafai, yasmin; Bumbacher, Engin; Washington, Peter; Riedel-Kruse, Ingmar
2020-06Analytical Designs: Goodwin’s Substrates as a Tool for Studying LearningKeifert, Danielle; Hall, Rogers; Enyedy, Noel; Vogelstein, Lauren; Pierson, Ashlyn; Ehrenfeld, Nadav; Marshall, Samantha; McGugan, Katherine Schneeberger; Marin, Ananda; Faulstich, Elisa Noemí Orellana; Bordeaux, Clementine; Clark, Heather; Gravell, Jamie; Lindberg, Lindsay; Morales, Denise; Rodriguez, Lilia; Eyes, Renee White; Flood, Virginia J.; Sharma, Geetanshi; DeLiema, David; Valerie, Jesslyn; Cabrera, Alexis; Smith, Sophie; Xiao, Sihan; Xiao, Chi; Wang, Xuehui; Garner, Brette; Smith, Michael Sean; Harrer, Benedikt; Clark, Douglas
2023“Are You a Match?”: Coordinated Embodied Activity Using Multiple Perspectives to Support Algorithmic SolutionsAyalon, Efrat; Anton, Gabriella; Enyedy, Noel
2015-07Assessing Young Children’s Cognition through Multi-Modal InterviewsSaleh, Asmalina; Danish, Joshua A.; Enyedy, Noel; Lee, Christine
2014-06Becoming More Mathematical: New Directions for Describing and Designing for Positive Dispositions Toward MathematicsKumar, Melissa; Sengupta-Irving, Tesha; Enyedy, Noel; Gresalfi, Melissa; Langer-Osuna, Jennifer; Sfard, Anna; Gutiérrez, Kris D.
2014-06Becoming Reflective: Designing for Reflection on Physical PerformancesMoher, Tom; Ching, Cynthia Carter; Schaefer, Sara; Lee, Victor R.; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua A.; Guerra, Paulo; Gnoli, Alessandro; Pazmino, Priscilla Jimenez; Silva, Brenda A. López; Lyons, Leilah; Perritano, Anthony; Slattery, Brian; Tissenbaum, Mike; Slotta, James D.; Cober, Rebecca; Fong, Cresencia; Rubin, Andee
1999-12Between Information and Communication: Middle Spaces in Computer Media for LearningHoadley, Christopher M.; Enyedy, Noel
2016-07Blending Play and Inquiry in Augmented Reality: A Comparison of Playing a Video Game to Playing Within a Participatory ModelDeLiema, David; Saleh, Asmalina; Lee, Christine; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; Illum, Randy; Dahn, Maggie; Humburg, Megan; Mahoney, Charlie
2020-06Broadening Learning Sciences Theoretical Lenses to Understand Young Children’s SensemakingKeifert, Danielle; Wang, X. Christine; Sacks, Dania; Levy, Sharona T.; Tu, Xintian; Danish, Joshua; Humburg, Megan; Enyedy, Noel
2023Choosing, Imagining, and Changing as Agency in a Mixed-Reality STEM Learning EnvironmentLee, Sarah J.; Lane, Alicia C.; Jen, Tessaly; Anton, Gabriella; Enyedy, Noel
2023Computational Tinkering With Movement in Embodied ModelsAnton, Gabriella; Ayalon, Efrat; Mathayas, Nitasha; Zhou, Mengxi; Danish, Joshua; Enyedy, Noel
2013-06Constructing and Deconstructing Materially-Anchored Conceptual Blends in an Augmented Reality Collaborative Learning EnvironmentEnyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; DeLiema, David
2008-06Culturally Relevant Mathematics: Students’ Cultural Engagement with StatisticsFields, Deborah; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Elementary Science Teachers’ Use of Representations to Build Shared Understanding from Students’ Diverse Ideas and PracticesPierson, Ashlyn; Keifert, Danielle; Lee, Sarah; Henrie, Andrea; Johnson, Heather; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Embodying STEM: Learning at the intersection of Dance and STEMSolomon, Folashade; Vogelstein, Lauren; Brady, Corey; Steinberg, Rebecca; Thomas, Curtis; Champion, Dionne; Lindberg, Lindsay; Enyedy, Noel; DesPortes, Kayla; Payne, William; Bergner, Yoav; Taylor, Edd; Shapiro, R. Benjamin
2019-06Examining How Scientific Modeling Emerges Through Collective Embodied PlayTu, Xintian; Danish, Joshua; Georgen, Chris; Humburg, Megan; Davis, Bria; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Expansive Modeling: Broadening the scope of modeling in K-12 educationWagh, Aditi; Dickes, Amanda; Lam-Herrera, Marilu; Sengupta, Pratim; Reimers, Jackson; Vogelstein, Lauren; Brady, Corey; Steinberg, Rebecca; Thomas, Curtis; Pierson, Ashlyn; Farris, Amy Voss; Wolkenhauer, Rachel; Lloyd, Gwendolyn; Murphy, P. Karen; DeLiema, David; Enyedy, Noel; Danish, Joshua; Steen, Francis; Fridman, Chani; Levy, Sharona T.; Hel-Or, Hagit; Bang, Megan
2024Exploring Artificial Intelligence Supported Interaction AnalysisZhou, Mengxi; Fonteles, Joyce; Danish, Joshua; Davalos, Eduardo; Steinberg, Selena; Biswas, Gautam; Enyedy, Noel
2021-06Exploring Elementary Science Teacher Identity in a Professional Development Program: Soren’s StoryAskew, Rachel; Daniel, Bethany; Lee, Sarah; Enyedy, Noel; Cross-Francis, Dionne