Browsing by Author Clegg, Tamara

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Showing results 6 to 17 of 17 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Finding Life in Data: Datafication and Enlivening Data Towards Justice-Oriented EndsBarton, Angela Calabrese; Tan, Edna; Clegg, Tamara
2012-07Kitchen Chemistry: Supporting Learners’ Decisions in ScienceYip, Jason; Clegg, Tamara; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Gelderblom, Helene; Lewittes, Becky; Guha, Mona Leigh; Druin, Allison
2012-07Learning as Identity Formation: Implications for Design, Research, and PracticeJochen, Rick; DeVane, Ben; Clegg, Tamara; Peters, Vanessa; Songer, Nancy; Goldman, Susan R; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy
2015-07Navigating Connected Inquiry Learning with ScienceKitPauw, Daniel; Clegg, Tamara; Ahn, June; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Yip, Jason C.; Uchidiuno, Judith
2010-06Playing with Food: Moving from Interests and Goals into Scientifically Meaningful ExperiencesClegg, Tamara; Gardner, Christina; Kolodner, Janet
2006-06Promoting Learning in Informal Learning EnvironmentsClegg, Tamara; Gardner, Christina; Williams, Oriana; Kolodner, Janet
2020-06Reconceptualizing Legitimate and Generative Learning Experiences in Sports and TechnologyClegg, Tamara; Edouard, Kareem; Greene, Daniel; Jones, Stephanie; Melo, Natalie; Nasir, Na'ilah; Shapiro, R. Benjamin; Smith, Michael; Wright, Christopher G.; Worsley, Marcelo; Zimmermann-Niefield, Abigail
2014-06The Role of Identity Development within Tensions in Ownership of Science LearningYip, Jason; Clegg, Tamara; Ahn, June; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Gubbels, Michael; Rhodes, Emily; Lewittes, Becky
2018-07Scaffolding Authentic Scientific Inquiry Experiences for Early Elementary Learners using Wearable TechnologyByrne, Virginia L; kang, Seokbin; Norooz, Leyla; Velez, Rafael; Katzen, Monica; Addeh, Afe; Froehlich, Jon; Clegg, Tamara
2019-06Social Media in the Science Classroom: Bridging Funds of Knowledge to Scientific ConceptsMills, Kelly; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Clegg, Tamara; Yip, Jason; Ahn, June; Pauw, Daniel; Pitt, Caroline
2011-06Technology for Supporting Learners in Out-of-School Learning EnvironmentsClegg, Tamara; Gardner, Christina; Kolodner, Janet
2013-06When Face-to-Face Fails: Opportunities for Social Media to Foster Collaborative LearningClegg, Tamara; Yip, Jason C.; Ahn, June; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Gubbels, Michael; Lewittes, Becky; Rhodes, Emily