Browsing by Author Chen, Yuxin

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Showing results 2 to 9 of 9 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Designing a Teacher Guidance Tool for Collaborative Inquiry PlayHong, Daeun; Bae, Haesol; Chen, Yuxin; Uttamchandani, Suraj; Saleh, Asmalina; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Glazewski, Krista D.; Mott, Bradford; Lester, James
2020-06Designing Intelligent Cognitive Assistants With Teachers to Support Classroom Orchestration of Collaborative InquiryBae, Haesol; Saleh, Asmalina; Feng, Chen; Glazewski, Krista; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Chen, Yuxin; Scribner, Adam; Brush, Thomas; Mott, Bradford; Lee, Seung; Lester, James C.
2018-07Developing Historical Thinking in PBL Class Supported with Synergistic ScaffoldingBae, Haesol; Xia, Fangli; Chen, Yuxin; Craig, Kalani; Silver, Cindy Hmelo
2024Orchestrating Change: A Narrative Analysis of Teacher Practice in a Post-Pandemic, Technology-Enhanced Learning EnvironmentChen, Yuxin
2018-07Scaffolding Peer Facilitation in Computer-Supported Problem-Based Learning EnvironmentsSaleh, Asmalina; Silver, Cindy Hmelo; Chen, Yuxin; Shanahan, Katherine; Rowe, Jonathan; Lester, James
2020-06Supporting Collaboration: From Learning Analytics to Teacher DashboardsChen, Yuxin; Saleh, Asmalina; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Glazewski, Krista; Mott, Bradford; Lester, James C.
2019-06Supporting Collaborative Problem Solving in a Game-Based Learning EnvironmentSaleh, Asmalina; Chen, Yuxin; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; Glazewski, Krista; Mott, Bradford; Taylor, Robert; Rowe, Jonathan; Lester, James
2020-06Using Activity Theory to Understand the Synergy Between Human and Computer Support in Collaborative Inquiry LearningSaleh, Asmalina; Bae, Haesol; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E.; Glazewski, Krista; Chen, Yuxin; Mott, Bradford; Lester, James C.