Browsing by Author Blikstein, Paulo

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Showing results 72 to 77 of 77 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-07UltraLite Collaboration: A Low-Cost Toolkit to Promote Collaborative Learning in the ClassroomRosenbaum, Claire; Blikstein, Paulo; Schank, Patti; Rafanan, Ken; Roschelle, Jeremy
2024“We were learning from each other:” Nuancing Learner-AI Relationships in Assessing Rhetorical Features of DisinformationRusso, Renato; Schechter, Brett; Blikstein, Paulo
2020-06What Does Computer Science and Maker Education Look Like in 2030?Weintrop, David; Choi, Gi Woong; Maltese, Adam; Tissenbaum, Mike; Fofang, Janet Shufor Bih epse; Walton, Margaret; Walkoe, Janet; Scott, Jill; Jung, Yong Ju; Zimmerman, Heather Toomey; DeLiema, David; Dahn, Maggie; Kim, Soo Hyeon; Copeland, Andrea; Yang, Jing; Simpson, Amber; Knox, Peter; Kim, Jungsun; Chan, Monica; Holbert, Nathan; Flynn, Leslie; Kwon, Kyungbin; Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Anne; Brush, Thomas; Blikstein, Paulo
2024What Youth Know: “Knowledge in New Pieces” and the Uncovering Nuanced Intuitive Thinking about Everyday Complex SystemsBlikstein, Paulo; Rosenbaum, Leah F.; Voorhis, J. K.
2006-06What’s a Situation in Situated Cognition? – A Constructionist Critique of Authentic InquiryAbrahamson, Dor; diSessa, Andrea A.; Blikstein, Paulo; Wilensky, Uri; Uttal, David H.; Amaya, Meredith M.; Marulis, Loren M.; Collins, Allan M.
2010-06Whittaker, Crina Damsa, Patrick Sins, Bert Reijnen A New Age in Tangible Computational Interfaces for LearningBlikstein, Paulo; Buechley, Leah; Horn, Michael; Raffle, Hayes